biology general knowledge questions


Oxyreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases and ligases are all classes of
A.     hormones    B.     enzymes
C.     proteins    D.     vitamins
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Answer: Option B


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Mutation is
A.     a factor responsible for plant growth
B.     a change which affects the offspring of F2 generation only
C.     a change that is inherited
D.     a change which affects the parents
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Answer: Option C


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Pollination by wind is called
A.     anemophily    B.     hydrophily
C.     zoophily    D.     entomophily
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Answer: Option A


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Pollen grains in plants are produced in
A.     roots    B.     leaves
C.     flower    D.     stem
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Answer: Option C


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Nitrogen is fixed in ecosystems in ways stated below. Which one of the statements below is false?
A.     By cyanobacteria
B.     By electrical discharges in the atmosphere
C.     By industrially synthesised fertilizer
D.     By denitrification
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Answer: Option D


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Ptyalin is an enzyme produced in the
A.     salivary glands
B.     pituitary glands
C.     thyroid glands
D.     pancreas
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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