Which county did Mohammad Azharuddin play for?
A. Yorkshire B. Hampshire
C. Lancashire D. Derbyshire
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
Derbyshire County Cricket Club is one of the 18 major county clubs which make up the England and Wales domestic cricket structure, representing the historic county of Derbyshire.
Azhar played 2 seasons for Derbyshire
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The first hand glider was designed by…?
A. Leonardo DaVinci
B. The Wright brothers
C. Francis Rogallo
D. Galileo
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
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Which county did Sunil Gavaskar play for?
A. Somerset B. Worcestershire
C. Warwickshire D. Glamorgan
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
Sunny as he is affectionately called, was the first to reach 10,000 runs in Tests.
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The ‘Dronacharya Award’ is given to…?
A. Sportsmen B. Coaches
C. Umpires D. Sports Editors
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
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In which Indian state did the game of Polo originate?
A. Meghalaya B. Rajasthan
C. Manipur D. West Bengal
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
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What do African-American football players Ernie Davis, Archie Griffin, and Tony Dorsett have in common?
A. They all played for Pittsburgh
B. They all won the Heisman Trophy
C. They all led to Super Bowl titles
D. They dont have any similarity
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
Ernie Davis was the first African American to win the prize in 1961, and Archie Griffin is the only player to have won it twice, in 1974 and 1975. Only Dorsett played for Pittsburgh. Davis played for Syracuse and Griffin played for Ohio State. Only Dorsett did lead his team to a Super Bowl title as NFC Rookie of the Year in 1977-78.