Famous personalities general knowledge questions


Who headed the first scientific group to leave for Antarctica in 1982?
A.     Dr. D.R. Sengupta
B.     Dr. S.Z. Kasim
C.     Dr. V. K. Raina
D.     Dr. H. K. Gupta
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Answer: Option B


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Which among the famous danseuses is not an exponent of the Odissi dance style?
A.     Sanjukta Panigrahi
B.     Madhavi Mudgal
C.     Sonal Man Singh
D.     Yamini Krishnamurthy
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Answer: Option D


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Michael Jackson is a distinguished person in the field of?
A.     Pop Music
B.     Jounalism
C.     Sports
D.     Acting
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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Ms Kim Campbell is the first woman Prime Minister of
A.     Portugal    B.     Canada
C.     Switzerland    D.     Congo
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Answer: Option B


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The first Indian to swim across English channel was
A.     V. Merchant
B.     P. K. Banerji
C.     Mihir Sen
D.     Arati Saha
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


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