Technology general knowledge questions


ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet, was developed by:
A.     FAA
B.     Department of Defence
C.     NATO
D.     UART
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Answer: Option B


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What is a spider?
A.     A computer virus
B.     A program that catalogs Web sites
C.     A hacker who breaks into computer systems
D.     An application for viewing Web sites
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


Spiders are also referred to as “bots” or “crawlers,” and constantly scan the Internet for new and updated Web sites.
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Which of the following is not a part of the Internet?
A.     World Wide Web
B.     Email
C.     CD-ROM
D.     HTTP
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Answer: Option C


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The abbreviation URL stands for:
A.     User Regulation Law
B.     Unknown RAM Load
C.     Uniform Resource Locator
D.     Ultimate RAM Locator
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Answer: Option C


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What is the Websites code for the country Mongolia?
A.     MN    B.     ML
C.     MG    D.     MO
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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