World geography general knowledge questions

43. The most salty sea in the world is
A. Red sea
B. Dead sea
C. Arabian sea
D. Mediterranean sea

Answer: Option B


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44. The most densely populated regions in the world are
A. the monsoon climatic regions
B. the equatorial regions
C. the hot desert climatic regions
D. the summer climatic regions

Answer: Option A


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45. The most notable example of a tectonic valley is that of the
A. Doon valley
B. Kashmir valley
C. plains of Aksai Chin
D. None of the above

Answer: Option B


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46. The monetary currency of Greece is called (prior to Jan 1, 2002).
A. guilder B. drachma
C. yen D. dinar

Answer: Option B


The Euro has been in use in Greece since January the 1st, 2002. So, now Euro (€) is the official currency of Greece. Before that date, the currency that was used in Greece was the drachma.

47. The main examples of Rabi crop are
A. wheat, barley, peas, rapeseed, mustard, grams
B. rice, jowar, barley, wheat
C. peas, maize, cotton and jute
D. All of the above

Answer: Option A


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48. The modern theory of plate tectonics states
A. the creation of oceanic crust and the drifting of continents
B. the convention currents within the earth’s mantle cause the creation of new oceanic crust at the mid oceanic ridges
C. that the oceanic crust is destroyed at areas where this crust type becomes subducted under the lighter continental crust
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D


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