World geography general knowledge questions


The moon orbits the earth at a mean distance approximately
A.     0.384 million km
B.     149.6 million km
C.     579 million km
D.     227.9 million km
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Answer: Option A


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The mean radius of the earth is approximately
A.     32,000 km
B.     6,400 km
C.     9,600 km
D.     12,800 km
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Answer: Option B


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Which of the following is a warm current?
A.     Benguela current
B.     Labrador current
C.     Kurosiwo current
D.     South Pacific current
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Answer: Option C


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The major countries of central America are
A.     Belize, Costa Rica, Panama
B.     China, Taiwan, Japan
C.     Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait
D.     All of the above
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Answer: Option A


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The main producers of free gas are
A.     the south Bassein and Tapti fields in the western offshore
B.     the gas fields in Tripura and Andhra Pradesh (KG Basin)
C.     both (a) and (b)
D.     None of the above
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Answer: Option C


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The major pedogenic process acting on soils at the macro scale are
A.     laterisation and podsolisation
B.     calcification and salinisation
C.     salinisation and gleisation
D.     All of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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