World geopraphy general knoweldge questions


The main vegetation of the steppe type climatic regions is
A.     evergreen forests
B.     evergreen deciduous forests
C.     large grasslands
D.     coniferous forests
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Answer: Option C


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The minerals of sulphide group are
A.     Cinnabar    B.     Pyrite
C.     Galena    D.     All of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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The major crude oil markets are the
A.     Middle East regions
B.     far east regions
C.     both (a) and (b)
D.     None of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


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The most important force that provide resistance to particles towards entertainment is
A.     frictional resistance
B.     particle cohesive bonds
C.     particle adhesive bonds
D.     momentum
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Answer: Option A


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The metamorphism which involves the chemical replacement of elements in rock minerals when gases and liquids permute into bedrock is called
A.     metasomatic metamorphism
B.     dynamic metamorphism
C.     thermal metamorphism
D.     contact metamorphism
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Answer: Option A


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The magnetosphere becomes unstable during the magnetic storms during a period of
A.     initial phase
B.     storm sudden commencement phase
C.     main phase
D.     None of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


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