World geopraphy general knoweldge questions

31. The highest average salinity amongst the following seas is reported from
A. Dead Sea
B. Red Sea
C. Black Sea
D. Mediterranean Sea

Answer: Option A


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32. The Himalayan mountain system belongs to which of the following?
A. Volcanic mountains
B. Residual mountains
C. Block mountains
D. Fold mountains

Answer: Option D


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33. The heavy day soils that show significant expansion and contraction due to the presence or absence of moisture is called
A. aridsols B. vertisols
C. histosols D. andisols

Answer: Option B


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34. The HBJ Upgradation project, upgraded the capacity of HBJ pipeline from 18.2 MM SC MD to
A. 20 MM SC MD
B. 33.4 MM SC MD
C. 22.3 MM SC MD
D. 29.6 MM SC MD

Answer: Option B


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35. The highest mountains on earth namely Mount Everest, K2, Kanchenjanga are located in
A. the greater Himalayas
B. the Lesser Himalayas
C. the outer Himalayas
D. None of the above

Answer: Option A


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36. The infrared radiation by sun are strongly absorbed by
A. carbon dioxide
B. water vapours
C. carbon dioxide and water vapours
D. ozone

Answer: Option A


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