Indian politics general knowledge questions


  • Indian Politics
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”

– Albert Einstein
43. The oath of office is administered to the Governor by the
A. chief justice of India
B. president
C. chief justice of high court
D. speaker of legislative assembly

Answer: Option C


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44. The members of Parliament can express themselves in the House in
A. English only
B. Hindi only
C. English or Hindi
D. English, Hindi or mother tongue

Answer: Option D


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45. The nature of the anti-Imperialist struggle was
A. always peaceful and constitutional
B. initially constitutional and by large non-violent
C. based on continuous armed resistance
D. largely supported by foreign powers

Answer: Option B


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46. The position of the prime minister of India is superior to that of his counter-part in Britain because
A. India is the biggest democracy
B. India has adopted the federal system
C. India has a written constitution
D. his office enjoys constitutional basis

Answer: Option D


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47. The members of the committees of Parliament are
A. nominated by the leaders of the various parties in the Parliament
B. nominated by the prime minister
C. appointed by the speaker or elected by the House from amongst persons who are not members of Parliament
D. appointed by the speaker or elected by the House from amongst its own members

Answer: Option D


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48. The parliament can legislate on the subject in the state list
A. if the President issues an order authorizing it to do so
B. if the Supreme Court of India gives authority to the Parliament of India in this regard
C. if the Rajya Sabha passes a resolution by two-third of its to legislate on a state matter in the national interest
D. None of the above

Answer: Option C


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