World geography general knowledge questions

25. The mean basin area of successive ordered streams formed a linear relationship when graphed. This statement is given by
A. morph metric analysis
B. law of drainage composition
C. law of basin areas
D. None of the above

Answer: Option C


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26. The most explosive type of volcano is
A. the caldera
B. a cinder cone
C. basalt plateau
D. shield volcanoes

Answer: Option A


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27. The lowest point, on land, in the world is
A. Death valley, USA
B. Caspian sea, Russia
C. Dead sea, Jordan/Israel
D. Lake Eyre, Australia

Answer: Option C


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28. The low latitude zone of globe extends between
A. Tropic of Capricorn and Cancer
B. North pole to South pole
C. Tropic of Capricorn and equator
D. Equator and Tropic of Cancer

Answer: Option A


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29. The main objective of multi-purpose river projects are
A. extension of irrigation facilities by constructing dams to store surplus water during the rainy season, for release in summer
B. power generation by constructing hydro power stations
C. flood controls and making rivers navigable
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D


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30. The mountains which come into being after the continental drift started, with the break up of the large land mass of pangola are
A. young mountains
B. old mountains
C. volcanic mountains
D. fold mountains

Answer: Option A


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