Famous place in india general knowledge questions

6. The headquarters of the National Power Training institute is located in
A. Pune B. Bhopal
C. Faridabad D. Lucknow

Answer: Option C


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7. The Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University is at which of the following places?
A. Aurangabad B. Nanded
C. Parbhani D. Nagpur

Answer: Option A


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8. The Indian Institute of Science is located at
A. Kerala B. Madras
C. Bangalore D. New Delhi

Answer: Option C


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9. ‘Bagh’, a village in Gwalior is famous for
A. Sculptures
B. Architecture
C. Cave Painting
D. All of the above

Answer: Option C


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10. Which city is known as ‘Electronic City of India’?
A. Mumbai B. Hyderabad
C. Guragon D. Bangalore

Answer: Option D


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