Famous place in india general knowledge questions

36. The ‘Golconda Fort’ is in which state?
A. Telangana
B. Uttar Pradesh
C. Bihar
D. Karnataka

Answer: Option A


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37. Under Mother Teresa’s guidance, the Missionaries of Charit built near Asansol, a lep er colony is called
A. Peace City
B. Sahara
C. Shanti Nagar

Answer: Option C


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38. ‘Kanchipuram’ is in which of the following states?
A. Andhra Pradesh
B. Orissa
C. Kerala
D. Tamil Nadu

Answer: Option D


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39. The famous Meenakshi temple is located in
A. Bihar B. Madurai
C. Madras D. Trichy

Answer: Option B


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40. ‘Tin Bhiga’ lease by India to Bangladesh, was a part of
A. West Bengal
B. Assam
C. Meghalaya
D. Tripura

Answer: Option A


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