The plants of which of the following crops are highly sensitive to frost?
A. Barely B. Cotton
C. Maize D. None of the above
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Answer: Option B
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The religion of Afghanistan is
A. Islam B. Buddhism
C. Hinduism D. Christianity
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Answer: Option A
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The region that has a typical dispersed rural settlement pattern is the
A. Kerala coastal plain
B. western Ganga plain
C. eastern Rajasthan
D. Telengana plateau
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Answer: Option A
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The reaction between compounds and oxygen is called
A. oxidation B. hydrolysis
C. carbonation D. solution
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Answer: Option A
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The percentage of sun’s radiation reflected back into space is about
A. 36 percent
B. 47 percent
C. 17 percent
D. None of the above
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Answer: Option A
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The progressive wave theory regarding of tides was put forth by
A. R.A. Harris
B. Issac Newton
C. William Whewell
D. G.B. Airy
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Answer: Option C
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