The ozone layer at high altitude contains
A. atomic oxygen (O) and ordinary oxygen (O2)
B. only ozone (O3)
C. mixture of atomic oxygen (O), ordinary oxygen (O2) and Ozone (O3)
D. only ordinary oxygen (O2)
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Answer: Option C
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The number of a topographic map is 47A/16/NW. Its scale must be
A. 1 : 250,000
B. 1 : 100,000
C. 1 : 50,000
D. 1 : 25,000
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Answer: Option D
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The right ascension is the equivalent of longitude on the celestial sphere, and it is given in the units of
A. degrees
B. time-hours, minutes and seconds
C. only hours
D. only seconds
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Answer: Option B
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The radiation belts are zones in space around the
A. Earth
B. Jupiter and Saturn
C. Mercury
D. Earth, Jupiter and Saturn
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Answer: Option D
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The periods of different eras are further divided into
A. eons B. epochs
C. stages D. Any of the above
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Answer: Option C
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The Plio-Pleistocene boundary lies about ____ years ago, at the beginning of the interval of warming after the last Pleistocene glaciations.
A. 1,00,000 B. 1,000
C. 10,000 D. 100
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
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