The term ‘flora’ in the context of natural vegetation refers to
A. assemblage of plant species living in association with each other in a given environmental frame
B. plants of a particular region or period, listed by species and considered as a group
C. a large tract covered by trees and shrubs and its administration for assessing economic benefits
D. role played by species of animals in the maintenance of ecological balance
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Answer: Option B
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Which of the following is concerned with the study of characteristics, origin and development of land forms?
A. Ecology B. Geography
C. Geology D. Geomorphology
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Answer: Option D
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The soils common to the south eastern USA are called
A. ultisols B. alfisols
C. aridsols D. mollisols
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Answer: Option A
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The southernmost part of the world is
A. Cape of Good Hope, Africa
B. Cape of Horn, S. America
C. Colombo, Sri Lanka
D. Wellington, New Zealand
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Answer: Option B
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The texture of a soil refers to
A. the size distribution of the mineral particles composing the soil
B. the distribution of mineral particles in the soil
C. the crystal distribution in soil
D. None of the above
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Answer: Option A
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The steady or initial phase of the magnetic storms is
A. preceded by storm sudden commencement
B. magnetic storm at middle and low altitudes
C. a sharp increase of the field
D. None of the above
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Answer: Option A
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