Famous personalities general knowledge question

46. Hari Prasad Chaurasia is a renowned player of
A. Sitar B. Flute
C. Sarod D. Tabla

Answer: Option B


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47. Graham Green was associated with which of the fields?
A. Science B. Music
C. Painting D. Literature

Answer: Option D


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48. Dr. V. Kurien is famous in the field of ?
A. Atomic Power
B. poultry farms
C. Dairy development
D. Economic Reforms

Answer: Option C


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49. Which of the following pairs of artists and their areas of specialization is not correct?
A. Pt. Ravi Shankar – Sitar
B. M. S. Subbulakshmi – Dance
C. Hari Prasad Chaurasia – Flute
D. Ustad Zakir Hussain Khan – Tabla

Answer: Option B


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50. Miss Universe 1994, Ms. Sushmita Sen hails from which of the following cities?
A. Mumbai
B. Chandigarh
C. New Delhi
D. Bangalore

Answer: Option C


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