sports general knowledge questions

21. Olympic Games after 4th century A.D. restarted from
A. 1916 B. 1912
C. 1904 D. 1896

Answer: Option D


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22. If you scored a cannon, which game would you be playing?
A. football B. Billiards
C. Cricket D. Hockey

Answer: Option B


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23. Michael Ferraria is associated with which games/sports?
A. Billiards B. Karate
C. Hockey D. Tennis

Answer: Option A


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24. The term ‘Caddle’ is associates with which sports?
A. Golf B. Billiards
C. Polo D. Bridge

Answer: Option A


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25. The state which declared 1995-1996 as the Hockey year is
A. Punjab
B. Gujarat
C. Tamil Nadu
D. New Delhi

Answer: Option A


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