World geography general knowledge questions

19. The highest degree of concentration of mineral deposits are found in
A. northeastern zone
B. northwestern zone
C. southern zone
D. All of the above

Answer: Option A


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20. The group of minerals chemically containing hydrocarbons is
A. silicate group
B. organic group
C. oxide group
D. hydride group

Answer: Option B


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21. The iron ore mined at Bailadila is mostly
A. haematite B. siderite
C. limonite D. magnetic

Answer: Option A


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22. The leading state in producing paper is
A. Bihar
B. West Bengal
C. Kerala
D. Orissa

23. The largest dune files are found in
A. Middle East
B. North Africa
C. both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above

Answer: Option C


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24. The Harmattan is
A. cool, extremely dry wind that forms over the Sahara and blows westward or south-westward to the African coast
B. wind that blows during the dry season from December to February
C. tertiary wind that carry great quantities of fine dust from the Sahara
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D


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