World geography general knowledge questions

61. The largest production of mica in Asia is from
A. Indonesia B. Malaysia
C. Myanmar D. India

Answer: Option D


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62. The latitude ‘AA’ on the map represents the
A. Tropic of Cancer
B. Tropic of Capricorn
C. Equator
D. None of the above

Answer: Option C


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63. The largest fresh water lake of Africa, area wise is
A. lake Victoria
B. lake Tanganyika
C. lake Malawi
D. lake Rudot

Answer: Option A


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64. The important mountains of Europe include
A. Andes, Alps, Pyrenees
B. Alps, Carpathians, Pyrenees, Apennines
C. Alps, Himalayas, Rock mountains
D. None of the above

Answer: Option B


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65. The last major glacial period began about 2,000,000 years before present and is commonly known as
A. Pleistocene or ice age
B. Paleocene or ice age
C. Pliocene or ice age
D. Holocene or ice age

Answer: Option A


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66. The imaginary axis at which the earth rotates remains inclined at an angle of ____ to the plane of earth’s orbit.
A. 44 1/2 º
B. 55 1/2 º
C. 66 1/2 º
D. 0 º

Answer: Option C


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