World geography general knowledge questions

67. The points in the ecliptic farthest north and south of the celestial equator are called
A. summer and winter solstices
B. autumnal and vernal equinox
C. north celestial pole and south celestial pole
D. None of the above

Answer: Option A


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68. Which of the following is concerned with the description and mapping of the main features of the universe?
A. Cosmography B. Cosmology
C. Geomorphology D. None of these

Answer: Option A


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69. The process that creates the deep oceanic trenches is called
A. plate tectonics
B. sea floor spreading
C. continental drift
D. isostasy

Answer: Option A


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70. The rainfall in the peninsular interior averages about
A. 650 mm a year
B. 750 mm a year
C. 850 mm a year
D. 550 mm a year

Answer: Option A


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71. The Palaeozoic era contains ____ time periods.
A. six B. four
C. five D. seven

Answer: Option A


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72. The northern portion of the western coastal plain is called
A. Konkan plain
B. Malabar coast
C. Coromendel coast
D. None of the above

Answer: Option A


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