World geography general knowledge questions

7. The transport of warm air toward the poles and cold air toward the equator is due to
A. the temperature gradient
B. the development of waves
C. the latitude difference
D. the longitude difference

Answer: Option B


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8. The traditional lands of the nomads of Central Asia are
A. Mongolia and Tibet
B. Sinkiang and Turkistan
C. Kirghiz steppe
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D


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9. The time interval from when the given star passes directly overhead to when it next passed directly overhead, is defined as
A. one sidereal day
B. one solar day
C. both the terms are similar, so any of these may be used
D. None of the above

Answer: Option A


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10. The three recognized major fishing grounds of the world are located in the
A. northern hemisphere only
B. southern hemisphere only
C. two in the southern hemisphere only and one in the northern hemisphere
D. one in the southern hemisphere only and two in the northern hemisphere

Answer: Option A


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11. The variation in the duration of the day and the night is due to earth’s
A. rotation on its axis
B. revolution around the sun
C. inclination of an angle of 60(1/2) degrees
D. both (a) and (b)

12. The sulphites are a mineral group that contain one or more metallic elements in combination with the sulphate compound ____
A. SO3 B. SO2
C. SO4 D. SO

Answer: Option C


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