World geography general knowledge questions

25. The smallest annual temperature range occurs in the
A. equatorial tropical climate zone
B. subtropical climate zone
C. temperate climate zone
D. polar climate zone

Answer: Option A


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26. The South Frigid Zone is the region
A. lying between 66(1/2)? south and 90? south
B. lying between the Antarctic circle to the south pole
C. has the coldest climate throughout the year
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D


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27. The temperature needed to keep the earth’s surface and the atmosphere in thermal equilibrium is called
A. the surface temperature
B. equilibrium temperature
C. the mean global surface temperature
D. global temperature

Answer: Option C


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28. The short term variations of the atmosphere, ranging from minutes to months are called
A. climate B. weather
C. temperature D. humidity

Answer: Option B


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29. The tide produced as a consequence of the moon and the sun pulling the earth in the same direction is called
A. ebb tide
B. high tide
C. spring tide
D. neap tide

Answer: Option C


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30. The tropical cyclones with maximum sustained surface winds of 33 ms are called
A. tropical depressions
B. tropical storms
C. hurricane
D. None of the above

Answer: Option C


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