basic general knowledge questions

37. When did China exploded first atomic device?
A. 1962 B. 1963
C. 1964 D. 1965

Answer: Option C


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38. What is the population density of Nagaland?
A. 120/sq. km
B. 220/sq. km
C. 320/sq. km
D. 420/sq. km

Answer: Option A


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39. When is Lal Bahadur Shastri’s death anniversary?
A. January, 11
B. January, 20
C. January, 27
D. January, 31

Answer: Option A


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40. When and where was basketball introduced in Olympics as a medal event?
A. 1992 at Barcilona
B. 1928 at Paris
C. 1936 at Berlin
D. 1900 at Athens

Answer: Option C


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41. When did first test tube baby – Louise Brown born?
A. 1939 B. 1958
C. 1981 D. 1978

Answer: Option D


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42. What is the density of population in Chandigarh?
A. 7,902/sq. km
B. 1,008/sq. km
C. 5,512/sq. km
D. 2,669/sq. km

Answer: Option A


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