basic general knowledge questions

55. What was the purpose of establishment of NATO?
A. To maintain and develop individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack
B. To defend economic and trade interests of the developing nations of the world
C. TO provide collective defence and economic cooperation in south-east Asia
D. None of the above

Answer: Option A


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56. When and where is the next winter Olympics scheduled to be held?
A. 2015, Salt Lake City (USA)
B. 2016, Turin (Italy)
C. 2017, Nagono (Japan)
D. 2018, Pyeongchang (South Korea)

Answer: Option D


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57. What is the role of WTO (World Trade Organisation)?
A. To settle trade disputes between nations
B. To widen the principal of free trade to sectors such as services and agriculture
C. both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above

Answer: Option C


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58. What is the measurement of the volleyball court?
A. 5 m x 4 m divided into two parts by a net
B. 8 m x 7 m divided into two parts by a net
C. 18 m x 9 m divided into two parts by a net
D. 12 m x 11 m divided into two parts by a net

Answer: Option C


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59. What were the main factors responsible for World War I?
A. Nationalism and imperialism
B. Militarism and entangling alliances
C. Mutual rivalry, hatred and distrust within the countries
D. All of the above

Answer: Option D


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60. When did Christopher Columbus discovered the West Indies?
A. 1455 AD
B. 1492 AD
C. 1139 AD
D. 1556 AD

Answer: Option B


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