basic general knowledge questions

67. When did Ashoka became emperor of India?
A. 336 BC
B. 375 BC
C. 279 BC
D. 264 BC

Answer: Option D


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68. What was the purpose of establishing the European Economic Community (EEC)?
A. To promote a common market and economic prosperity among member countries
B. To create a single market for free import and export among
C. both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above

Answer: Option C


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69. Where did 2010 Commonwealth Games took place?
A. Beijing, China.
B. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
C. Victoria, Canada
D. New Delhi, India

Answer: Option D


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70. What is the literacy rate of Chhattisgarh?
A. 47.53 per cent
B. 65.18 per cent
C. 82.32 per cent
D. 60.91 per cent

Answer: Option B


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71. What is the covered area of Gujarat state?
A. 3,702 sq. km
B. 1,35,100 sq. km
C. 1,96,024 sq. km
D. 94,163 sq. km

Answer: Option C


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72. What is the capital of Dadra and Nagar Haveli?
A. Daman B. Silvassa
C. Dispur D. Shilling

Answer: Option B


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