The unit of flux density is:
A. magnetomotive force
B. a weber
C. a maxwell
D. a tesla
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
tesla or weber/m2 is the unit of flux density
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When used as a filter, an inductor is
A. placed in series with the load and aids any current changes
B. placed in parallel with the load and aids any current changes
C. placed in parallel with the load and opposes any current changes
D. placed in series with the load and opposes any current changes
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
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A loaded transformer will achieve mutual induction when:
A. secondary current increase causes a primary current decrease
B. primary current is increased by an increase in secondary current
C. primary current is decreased by an increase in secondary current
D. secondary current decrease causes a primary current increase
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
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Which transformer turns ratio is needed to match two 16-ohm parallel devices to an output of 22.2 ohms?
A. 1.38:1 B. 1.67:1
C. 0.72:1 D. 0.60:1
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
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A transformer will have:
A. primary and secondary windings
B. primary and secondary current
C. primary wattage producing secondary current
D. different frequencies for the primary and secondary
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
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What is the phase angle of a 24 Vac parallel RL circuit when R = 45 ohms and XL = 1100 ohms?
A. 0.001 degrees
B. 2.300 degrees
C. 87.600 degrees
D. 89.900 degrees
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
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A winding of wire can be called
A. an inductor
B. a coil
C. a choke
D. All of the above
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
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