What happens when moving expanding lines of force encounter a conductor?
A. Current increases.
B. Voltage is induced.
C. Resistance is reduced.
D. Power is increased.
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Answer: Option B
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Fixed transformers have:
A. a center-tapped secondary
B. multiple windings
C. turns ratios that cannot be changed
D. a multiple-tapped secondary
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Answer: Option C
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In a B-H curve, magnetizing force is equal to:
A. mcq8_1001_1.gif
B. H = I × N
C. ampere-turns per weber
D. webers per square meter
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Answer: Option A
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Which of the following represents a true equivalent of an inductor?
A. An inductance in series with a resistance and a capacitance
B. A capacitance in parallel with the series combination of a resistance and an inductance
C. An inductance in parallel with the series combination of a resistance and a capacitance
D. The only quality a real inductor has is inductance.
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Answer: Option B
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In a transformer, what will happen to the primary current if the secondary magnetic field increases?
A. Ip will increase.
B. Ip will be canceled.
C. Ip will remain the same.
D. Ip will decrease.
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Answer: Option A
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The time required for one weber of flux to cut a conductor and produce one volt is:
A. one revolution
B. one second
C. one millisecond
D. four revolutions
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Answer: Option B
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What is the maximum source current for a transformer rated at 10 kVA, 1000/500 60 Hz?
A. 2 A
B. 5 A
C. 10 A
D. 20 A
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
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