After a voltage has been applied to an inductor, the current will be ___ of its full value after 2 time constants.
A. 63% B. 86%
C. 95% D. 98%
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Answer: Option B
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The ___ of a coil is the inherent resistance of the wire.
A. ac resistance
B. reactance
C. winding resistance
D. permeability
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Answer: Option C
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The inductive reactance of L2 is _____ in the given circuit.
A. 3.5 komega.gif
B. 4.4 komega.gif
C. 16.3 komega.gif
D. 23.3 komega.gif
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Answer: Option B
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___ power represents the energy dissipated at a given point in time.
A. True B. Reactive
C. Real D. Instantaneous
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Answer: Option D
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After the first time constant, a transient current has changed by _______________ %, leaving _______________ % remaining.
A. 63.2, 36.8
B. 36.8, 63.2
C. 13.5, 86.5
D. 86.5, 13.5
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Answer: Option A
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