What is a varistor?
A. a voltage-dependent resistor
B. a voltage-dependent diode
C. a current-dependent resistor
D. a current-dependent diode
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Answer: Option A
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Which type of transformer is required to create a 180 degree input to a rectifier?
A. center-tapped secondary
B. step-down secondary
C. stepped-up secondary
D. split winding primary
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Answer: Option A
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What circuit activity may shift a characteristic curve so that diode operating points are different?
A. higher power (heat)
B. higher resistance
C. lower voltage
D. lower current
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Answer: Option A
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What is wrong with this diode?
A. open
B. short
C. nothing
D. not enough data
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Answer: Option C
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The dc current through each diode in a bridge rectifier equals:
A. the load current
B. half the dc load current
C. twice the dc load current
D. one-fourth the dc load current
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
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