Base 10 refers to which number system?
A. binary coded decimal
B. decimal
C. octal
D. hexadecimal
Answer: Option B
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Convert the decimal number 151.75 to binary.
A. 10000111.11
B. 11010011.01
C. 00111100.00
D. 10010111.11
Answer: Option D
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Convert the binary number 1011010 to hexadecimal.
A. 5B
B. 5F
C. 5A
D. 5C
Answer: Option C
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The number of bits used to store a BCD digit is:
A. 8
B. 4
C. 1
D. 2
Answer: Option B
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Sample-and-hold circuits in ADCs are designed to:
A. sample and hold the output of the binary counter during the conversion process
B. stabilize the ADCs threshold voltage during the conversion process
C. stabilize the input analog signal during the conversion process
D. sample and hold the ADC staircase waveform during the conversion process
Answer: Option C
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