Which is a true statement about the circuit in the given circuit?
A. The batteries are series-aiding and the total source voltage equals 21 V.
B. The batteries are series-opposing and the total source voltage equals 3 V.
C. The batteries are series-aiding and the total source voltage equals 3 V.
D. The batteries are series-opposing and the total source voltage equals 21 V.
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Answer: Option B
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A series circuit current:
A. remains the same through each component
B. is the same as the individual resistances
C. is subtracted by each component
D. varies through each component
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Answer: Option A
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If R2 opens in the given circuit, what is the voltage at point B?
A. +19.2 V
B. +8.8 V
C. +28 V
D. –19.2 V
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Answer: Option C
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If 5 V and 16 V power supplies are connected in series-opposing, what is the total voltage?
A. 11 V
B. 16 V
C. 21 V
D. 80 V
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Answer: Option A
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What is the total resistance?
A. 0 k; there is no current
B. 2 k; the average
C. 3 k; the largest
D. 6 k; the sum
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
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