Capacitors electronic interview question


If C1, a 4.7 F capacitor, and C2, a 3.3 F capacitor are in series with 18 Vdc applied, what is the voltage across C1?
A.     3.3 V
B.     7.4 V
C.     6.6 V
D.     9.4 V
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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What is the impedance of a series RC circuit that consists of a 0.22 F capacitor and a 200-ohm resistor connected to a 3 kHz source?
A.     214 ohms
B.     313 ohms
C.     414 ohms
D.     880 ohms
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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What is the reactance value for a capacitor installed in a dc circuit?
A.     zero
B.     moderate
C.     infinite
D.     cannot tell
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


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In a purely capacitive circuit,
A.     current leads voltage by 90°
B.     voltage leads current by 90°
C.     current lags voltage by 90°
D.     current and voltage have a phase relationship of 0°
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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How long would it take the capacitor in the given circuit to completely discharge if the switch was in position 2?

A.     22 ms
B.     69 ms
C.     345 ms
D.     420 ms
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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