Statement-Assumptions-practice test


Directions(Qn 1- Qn 4):In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Give answer

(A)        If only assumption I is implicit

(B)          If only assumption II is implicit

(C)          If either I or II is implicit

(D)          If neither I nor II is implicit

(E)          If both I and II are implicit.
Statement: His recent investment in the shares of Company A is only a gamble.


I. He may incur loss on his investment.

II.He may gain from his investment



Answer: Option C


The use of the world ‘gamble’ indicates that he may either gain or lose in the deal.


Statement: The education of a student at collegiate level, not taking into account maintenance expenses, costs four hundred rupees a year. Collegiate education is thus drawing heavily upon the national resources of an impoverished community. So college education should be restricted to a brilliant few.


I. Our resources are very limited.

II. Only a few students should be admitted to the colleges.

Answer: Option E


The use of the words ‘impoverished community’ in the statement makes I implicit while the phrase ‘college education should be restricted to a brilliant few’ makes II implicit.


Statement: Of all the radio sets manufactured in India, the ‘X’ brand has the largest sale.


I. The sale of all the radio sets manufactured in India is known.

II. The manufacturing of no other radio set in India is as large as ‘X’ brand radio

Answer: Option A


Clearly, the comparison could not be made without knowing the sale of all the radio sets. So, I is implicit. The statement mentions only that the sale is largest and nothing is mentioned about the manufacture. So, II is not implicit.


Statement: The first step in treating addicts is to re-establish their lost ties, for which a continuous personal attention should be paid to the addicts under treatment.


I. Addicts under treatment respond better when shown personal interest.

II. Addiction and strained relationships are intimately connected.

Answer: Option E


Clearly, treatment of addiction requires personal attention as the first step. So, I is implicit. Also, since intimacy and personal attention are required to treat addicts, it implies that addiction arises out of frustration due to strained relationships. So, II is also implicit.


Consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: The ‘M’ Cooperative Housing Society has put up a notice at its gate those sales persons are not allowed inside the society.


  1. All the sales persons will stay away from the ‘M’ Cooperative Housing Society.
  2. The security guard posted at the gate may be able to stop the sales persons entering the society.
Answer: Option D


Since both the assumptions follow from the given statement, so both I and II are implicit.


In the following question a statement is given followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and III. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions, decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement and choose your answer accordingly.

Statement : “Buy pure and natural honey of company X” – an advertisement in a newspaper.


I. Artificial honey can be prepared.

II. People do not mind paying  more for pure and natural honey.

III. No other company supplies pure honey.

Answer: Option A


Artificial honey can be made. That is why the word ‘natural’ needs to be mentioned in the advertisement. So I is implicit. No comparision is made of the prices of natural and artifical honey. So, II is not implicit. Nothing about  the quality of honey of other companies can be deducted. So III is also not implicit.


In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Give answer

  • (A) If only assumption I is implicit
  • (B) If only assumption II is implicit
  • (C) If either I or II is implicit
  • (D) If neither I nor II is implicit
  • (E) If both I and II are implicit.


Statement: Highly brilliant and industrious students do not always excel in the written examination.
Assumptions: The written examination is good mainly for mediocre students.

The brilliant and industrious students cannot always write good answers in the exam


Answer: Option B


II explains the fact given in the statement and so is implicit. Nothing about ‘mediocre students’ is mentioned in or can be deduced from the given statement. So, I is not implicit.


Statement: The school authorities have decided to increase the number of students in each classroom to seventy from the next academic session to bridge the gap between the income and the expenditure to a large extent.


  1. The income generated by way of fees of the additional students will be sufficient enough to bridge the gap.
  2. The school will get all the additional students in each class from the next academic session.
Answer: Option A


Clearly, increasing the number of children in each class would increase the income and reduce the expenditure per child. But the response to the school’s decision cannot be deduced. So, only I is implicit.


In each question below is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and III. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions, decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement and choose your answer accordingly.

Statement: “Wanted a two bedroom flat in the court area for immediate possession.” – An advertisement.


  1. Flats are available in court area.
  2. Some people will respond to the advertisement.
  3. It is a practice to give such an advertisement.


Answer: Option B


The advertisement depicts only the requirement, not the availability of flats in court area. So, I is not implicit. Such advertisements are given with the expectation of a response which can make such a flat available. So, II is implicit. Assumption III does not follow from the statement and so is not implicit.


In each question, a statement is followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. Consider the statement and the following assumptions to decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: Like a mad man, I decided to follow him,


I. I am not a mad man

II. I am a mad man.

Answer: Option A

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