You have 2 parts.
1/2 Hr to APPS (frm ages, numbers(agarwal 1 ch), time & work, puzzle {verbal and non verbal reasoning-agarwal 5th ch I tnk so—–nearly 20 q frm tis part})
totally 80q-try to ans 30q min, max 40q
1 1/2 For TECH
C>>>>>>>>>(30q—pointer 10,struct 5,command line arg 2,loops 10,simple errors 3q like int as int—take care)
C++>>>>>>>(30q—nearly 20q atr theoritical objective, 5q->operatot overloading,
5q-> virtual class concept->->->prepare OOPS concepts care fully)
UNIX>>>>>>>(15 q complex commands)
PERL>>>>>>>(5q very very simple