FCI written test

FCI written test FCI written test In Kerala Kochi


VG 2012

Part – B

Quantitative Aptitude


101. (1/10)th of 2/4)th of a number is 240. What is the number ?

(A) 12

(B) 1200

(C) 4800

(D) 48


102. If √15 – x √14 = √8 – √7, then the value of x is

(A) 2

(B) √2

(C) 4

(D) 7


103. The next term of the series 325, 259, 204, 160, 127, 105, ……. is

(A) 95

(B) 94

(C) 102

(D) 101


104. The simplified form of  17 + 12 √2   is
3 + 2√2

(A) 11 2/3

(B) 19

(C) 3 + 2√2

(D) 3 – 2√2


105. The least number which must be subtracted from 2361 to make it a perfect square is

(A) 77

(B) 67

(C) 57

(D) 47


106. A and B can together do a piece of work in 6 days. If B can do the work by himself in 8 days, how many days will A take to do the work independently ?

(A) 24 days

(B) 14 days

(C) 2 days

(D) 22 days


107. A does half as much work as B, and C does half as much work as A and B together. If C alone can finish the work in 40 days, then all together will finish the work in

(A) 13 1/3 days

(B) 15 days

(C) 20 days

(D) 30 days


108. A dealer buys a table listed at Rs.1,500 and gets successive discounts of 20% and 10%. He spends Rs.20 on transportation and sells it at a profit of 20%. The selling price of the table is

(A) Rs.1,320

(B) Rs.1,350

(C) Rs.1,360

(D) Rs.1,380


109. A pair of articles was bought for Rs.37.40 at a discount of 15%. What must be the marked price of each of the articles ?

(A) Rs.11

(B) Rs.44

(C) Rs.33

(D) Rs.22


110. In a relief camp of 550 men, the food was enough for 28 days. If 150 more people joined in the camp, the same amount of food will be enough for

(A) 22  days

(B) 35  days

(C) 25  days

(D) 10  days


111. A bag contains Rs.121 in the form of 1 rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. Find the number of each type of coins (1Re, 50P, 25P respectively).

(A) 40, 92, 140

(B) 42, 92, 132

(C) 45, 90, 132

(D) 44, 88, 132


112. There were 984 mangoes on 12 trees of a mango-garden. What will be the average number of mangoes per tree after taking down 26 mangoes in average from 5 trees and 38 mangoes in average from 7 trees?

(A) 53

(B) 49

(C) 45

(D) 39


113. The average age of a class is 15.8 years. The average age of the boys in the class is 16.4 years, while that of the girls is 15.4 years. What is the ratio of boys to girls in the class ?

(A) 1 : 2

(B) 3 : 4

(C) 3 : 5

(D) None of these


114. A man sells an article at a profit of 25%. If he had bought it at 20% less and sold it for Rs.10.50 less, he would have gained 30%. Find the cost price (in rupees) of the article.

(A) 50

(B) 20

(C) 25

(D) 35


115. Rahul had 200 mangoes. He sold 30 mangoes at 25% gains, 40 mangoes at 20% gain, 60 mangoes at 10% gain and 70 mangoes at 10% loss. His net gain/loss percentage is

(A) 7% gain

(B) 7% loss

(C) 7 1/4% gain

(D) 7 1/4% loss


116. 13% of a number exceeds 5% of the same by 16. The number is

(A) 500

(B) 450

(C) 300

(D) 200


117. If A’s salary is 33 1/3% less than B’s salary, by how much percentage is B’s salary more than A’s ?

(A) 20

(B) 25

(C) 50

(D) 16 2/3


118. An areoplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 km/hr in 5 hours. To cover the same distance in 1 2/3 hours, it must travel at a speed (in km/hr) of

(A) 300

(B) 360

(C) 600

(D) 720


119. Rs.25,000 is borrowed at compound interest at the rate of 3% for the first year, 4% for the second year and 5% for the third year. The amount to be paid after 3 years is

(A) Rs.28,119

(B) Rs.29,118

(C) Rs.28,129

(D) Rs.28,117


120. If the diameter of a circle is increased by 100%, its area is increased by

(A) 300%

(B) 400%

(C) 100%

(D) 200%


121. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 18 cm. Its lateral side and the base are in the ratio 7 : 4. The area of the triangle is 

(A) 8√5 cm2

(B) 6√5 cm2

(C) 4√5 cm2

(D) 10√5 cm2


122. Areas of three adjacent faces of a rectangular parallelepiped are 12 sq.m., 15 sq.m. and 20 sq.m. The volume (in cu.m.) of the parallelepiped is

(A) 80

(B) 30

(C) 40

(D) 60


123. If the volumes of two cones are in the ratio 1 : 4  and the diameters of their bases are in the ratio 4 : 5, then the ratio of their heights is

(A) 1 : 25

(B) 25 : 16

(C) 16 : 125

(D) 25 : 64


124. The length of a hollow thick cylindrical metallic pipe is 6 cm  and its total surface area including the surface at the ends is 98 p sq. cm. If the outer diameter is 8 cm, then the inner diameter in cm is

(A) 6.5

(B) 7

(C) 5

(D) 6


125. An open box is made of wood 3 cm thick. Its external dimensions are 1.36 m, 1.06 m and 8.3 dm. The cost of painting the inner surface of the box at 50 paise per 100 sq.cm (in Rs.) is

(A) 232

(B) 246

(C) 249

(D) 256


126. A spherical ball of lead 3 cm in diameter is melted and recast into three spherical balls. The diameter of two of these are 1.5 cm and 2 cm respectively. The diameter of the third ball is

(A) 1.4 cm

(B) 1.8 cm

(C) 2.1 cm

(D) 2.5 cm


127. If x = 2 + √3, then the value of x2 – 4x + 2 is

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4


128. The circumradius of the triangle formed by the straight line 3x + 4y = 12 and the coordinate axes is

(A) 5/2

(B) 3/2

(C) 2

(D) 6


129. If x (3 – 2/x) = 3/x, then value of x2 + 1/x2 is

(A) 1 1/9

(B) 2 4/9

(C) 3 5/9

(D) 4 7/9


130. If a2 + b2 – c2 = 0, then the value of a6 + b6  + c6 /a2b2cis

(A) 0

(B) 3

(C) -3

(D) 1


131. If a, b, c, d are four non-negative real numbers and a + b + c + d = 1, then the maximum value of ab + bc + cd is

(A) 3

(B) 1

(C) 1/2

(D) 1//4


132. If P and Q are the middle points of the sides AB and AC respectively of a triangle ABC, X is any point on BC and AX meets PQ at O, then the length AO is equal to

(A) 1/2 AX

(B) 1/3 AX

(C) PQ

(D) AP


133. ABCD is a parallelogram with AB = 10 cm, AD = 6 cm. The bisector of Ð A meets DC in E, and is extended to meet BC p0roduced at F. CF is

(A) 4 cm

(B) 2 cm

(C) 6 cm

(D) 8 cm


134. The radius of a circle is 13 cm and AB is a chord which is at a distance of 12 cm from the centre. Then the length of the chord is

(A) 16 cm

(B) 10 cm

(C) 8 cm

(D) 15 cm


135. Radius of the incircle of an equilateral ∆ABC of sides √3 units is

(A) 3/2 units

(B) 1/2 units

(C) 3/4 units

(D) 1/4 units


136. Radii of two circles are 7 cm and 3 cm. If one of these lies wholly inside the other, then the distance between their centres is

(A) 4 cm

(B) more then 5 cm

(C) less than 4 cm

(D) none of these


137. The sum of two angles is 1350 and their difference is p/2. The value of the greater angle in radian is

(A) 5p/8

(B) p/2

(C) 3p/8

(D) p/8


138. A guard observes an enemy boat, from an observation tower at a height of 180 metre above sea level, to be at an angle of depression of 600. The distance of the boat from the foot of the observation tower is

(A) 180 metre

(B) 180√3 metre

(C) 60√3 metre

(D) 60 metre


139. If tan 22 1/20 = x, then the value of cos 67 1/20 is

(A) x/√x2 + 1

(B) 1/√x2 + 1

(C) x/√x2 – 1

(D) 1/√x2 – 1


140. If cos x = sin y and cot (x – 400) = tan (500 – y), then the values of x and y are

(A) 700, 200

(B) 850, 50

(C) 800, 100

(D) 600, 300


141. If f(x) = cos2 x + sec2 x, then the minimum value of  f(x) is

(A) 1

(B) -1

(C) -2

(D) 2


The following graph shows the Profits and Losses, (in thousand rupees) in a business for the years 2005 – 2010.

Study the graph and answer questions (142-145)



142. The amount of maximum profit as seen from the diagram is

(A) 2 thousand rupees

(B) 1.5 thousand rupees

(C) 1 thousand rupees

(D) 4.5 thousand rupees


143. The amount of total loss incurred during 2005-2010 is

(A) 3 thousand rupees

(B) 2.5 thousand rupees

(C) 1.5 thousand rupees

(D) 2 thousand rupees


144. The ratio of the maximum profit earned to the minimum loss suffered is

(A) 4 : 3

(B) 3 : 4

(C) 9 : 2

(D) 2 : 9


145. If the loss is x% of the profit for the years under study, then x is

(A) 15

(B) 25

(C) 20

(D) 19


The pie-graph given below shows the break-up of the cost of construction of a house. Assuming that the total cost of construction is Rs.6,00,000, answer the Question Nos. (146-150)




146. The amount spent on cement is

(A) Rs.2,00,000

(B) Rs.1,60,000

(C) Rs.1,20,000

(D) Rs.1,00,000


147. The amount spent on labour exceeds the amount spent on steel by

(A) 5% of the total cost

(B) 10% of the total cost

(C) 12% of the total cost

(D) 15% of the total cost


148. The amount spent on cement, steel and supervision is what percent of the total cost of construction?

(A) 40%

(B) 45%

(C) 50%

(D) 55%


149. The amount spent on labour exceeds the amount spent on supervision by

(A) Rs.2,00,000

(B) Rs.16,000

(C) Rs.1,20,000

(D) Rs.60,000


150. The amount spent on Timber is 

(A) Rs.60,000

(B) Rs.90,000

(C) Rs.1,20,000

(D) Rs.36,000

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