sentence improvement verbal ability questions


The dissidents hold a great problem in every political party.
A.     cause    B.     give
C.     pose    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option A


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I would have waited for you at the station if I knew that you would come.
A.     had known    B.     was knowing
C.     have known    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option A


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They are social insects, living in communities, regulated by definite laws, each member of society bearing well-defined and separate part in the work of a colony.
A.     who are living in communities    B.     living among a community
C.     who lives with a community    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option D


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Practically every part of the banana tree is used by man.
A.     each part    B.     any part
C.     most part    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option D


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My opinion for the film is that it will bag the national ward.
A.     opinion to    B.     opinion about
C.     opinion on    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option B


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The end of the examinations is (an) oppurtunity for celebrating.
A.     chance    B.     moment
C.     occasion    D.     No improvement
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Answer: Option B


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We were not the wiser for all this effort to explain the case to us.
A.     none    B.     neither
C.     nevertheless    D.     No improvement
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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