basic general knowledge questions


Soil is formed from the parent rock material by
A.     chemical decomposition
B.     physical decomposition
C.     biological decomposition
D.     All of the above
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Answer: Option D


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The air we inhale is mixture of gases. Which of the following gases in the mixture is highest in percentage?
A.     Carbon dioxide
B.     Nitrogen
C.     Oxygen
D.     Ozone
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Answer: Option B


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Oxford university was founded in
A.     1139 AD
B.     1163 AD
C.     215 BC
D.     55 BC
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Answer: Option B


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The American General who led the revolt against the British and declared American independence was
A.     George Washington
B.     Bill Clinton
C.     George Bush
D.     None of the above
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Answer: Option A


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Regular meetings of Trusteeship Council (UNO) are held
A.     once a year
B.     twice a year
C.     thrice a year
D.     four times a year
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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Radioactive substances can be produced readily in
A.     an electron gun
B.     an atomic pile
C.     a transistor
D.     a Wilson cloud chamber
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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