basic general knowledge questions


The first batch of women pilots was commissioned on
A.     August 30, 1992
B.     December 17, 1994
C.     January 11, 1987
D.     None of the above
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Answer: Option B


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The five permanent members of the Security Council are
A.     China, France, Russia, UK, USA
B.     China, UK, Belgium, France, USA
C.     India, UK, USA, China, Germany
D.     None of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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The frequency of which of the following is the highest?
A.     Gamma rays
B.     Light waves
C.     Micro waves
D.     Radio waves
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Answer: Option A


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The first Olympics in the city of Olympia in Greece took place in
A.     1000 BC
B.     850 BC
C.     776 BC
D.     753 BC
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Answer: Option C


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The clear sky looks blue because
A.     reflection of light
B.     refraction of light
C.     diffraction of light
D.     dispersion of light
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Answer: Option D


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The common terms used in shooting are
A.     hunting, show-jump, dressage
B.     bed, ballsege, marksmanship, plug
C.     bou, bucket, low, feather, paddle, regatta
D.     None of the above
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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