Technology general knowledge questions


How can you catch a computer virus?
A.     Sending e-mail messages
B.     Using a laptop during the winter
C.     Opening e-mail attachments
D.     Shopping online
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Answer: Option C


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In which decade was the first solid state integrated circuit demonstrated?
A.     1950s    B.     1960s
C.     1970s    D.     1980s
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


On September 12, 1958, Jack Kilby demonstrated the first working IC while working for Texas Instruments, although the U.S. patent office awarded the first patent for an integrated circuit to Robert Noyce of Fairchild.
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A DV camcorder is…
A.     Capable of creating video in HDTV
B.     Used to create digital video
C.     Limited to the Direct Video format
D.     A Denon Video brand product
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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What are the 2 terminals of a diode called?
A.     Pentode and Triode
B.     Gate and Drain
C.     Drain and Source
D.     Anode and Cathode
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


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A coating of dust on a computer’s main circuit boards has this probable consequence
A.     Overheating
B.     Short circuits
C.     Slower hard disk
D.     None
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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