Course of action practice test


Directions(Qn 1 – 2):In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.

Give answer
(A) If only I follows
(B) If only II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow.


Statement: A large number of people in ward X of the city are diagnosed to be suffering from a fatal malaria type.

Courses of Action:

I.The city municipal authority should take immediate steps to carry out extensive fumigation in ward X.
II.The people in the area should be advised to take steps to avoid mosquito bites.

Answer: Option E


Clearly, prevention from mosquitoes and elimination of mosquitoes are two ways to prevent malaria. So, both the courses follow.


Statement: The Asian Development Bank has approved a $285 million loan to finance a project to construct coal ports by Paradip and Madras Port Trusts.
Courses of Action:
I.India should use financial assistance from other international financial organisations to develop such ports in other places.
II.India should not seek such financial assistance from the international financial agencies

Answer: Option A


Clearly, such projects shall be an asset and a source of income to the country later on. So, course I shall follow.


In the following questions a statement is given followed by two courses of action, numbered I & II.  Assume, everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the two suggested courses of action logically follow(s)for pursuing. Mark your answer as

A)  if only  I follows

B)  if only II follows.

C)  If either I or II follows.

D)  If neither I nor II follows.

Statement: In the road accidents the pillion riders are receiving more head injuries than the driver.

Courses of Action:

I.  Pillion riders should also wear helmet.

II. The rule should be changed so that the helmet is made compulsory for the pillion riders but not the drivers

Answer: Option A


Here as the pillion riders are receiving more head injuries. I is a proper course of action.


Statement: Lack of coordination between the University, its colleges and various authorities has resulted in students ousted from one college seeking migration to another.
Courses of Action:

  1. If a student is ousted from a college, the information should be sent to all the other colleges of the University
  2. The admissions to all the colleges of the University should be handled by the University directly.
  3. A separate section should be made for taking strict action against students indulging in anti-social activities.
Answer: Option A


Clearly, the issue is not so big as to allot all powers of admissions to colleges, to the University only. So, II does not follow. The problem can be solved by circulating the information of the ousted students to all the colleges so as to ensure that such students do not get admission elsewhere also. This might prove useful in rectifying such students. So, I follows while III does not.


Statement: A large number of people die every year due to drinking polluted water during the summer.

Courses of Action:

  1. The government should make adequate arrangements to provide safe drinking water to all its citizens.
  2. The people should be educated about the dangers of drinking polluted water.
Answer: Option D


The situation demands creating awareness among people about the dangers of drinking polluted water so that they themselves refrain from the same, and at the same time taking steps to provide safe drinking water. So, both the courses follow.


Statement: Black fume emitted by the vehicles and the factories in causing rapid increase in air pollution which in turn is causing rapid temperature rise in cities.

Courses of Action:

I.   The authorities should set a limit for the emission levels of the harmful gases for vehicles and factories and should take measures to implement it.

II.  The government should try to reduce the nuber of vehicles on roads by improving the public transport system and make the people aware of it and also should not allow the factories to be built in or near the cities.

Answer: Option B


I assumes that there is no such kind of rule at present. So I is not a proper course of action.

By improving the public transport system we can reduce the emission of black fumes as there will less number of vehicles and also not allowing the factories to be built in and near the city would reduce pollution in the city.


Statement: Exporters in the capital are alleging that commercial banks are violating a Reserve Bank of India directive to operate a post shipment export credit denominated in foreign currency at international rates from January this year.

Courses of Action:

  1. The officers concerned in the commercial banks are to be suspended.
  2. The RBI should be asked to stop giving such directives to commercial banks.
Answer: Option D


The statement mentions that the commercial banks violate a directive issued by the RBI. The remedy is only to make the banks implement the Act. So, none of the courses follows


Statement: Cutting down of forests is a threat to the wild life. Most of the species of animals are on the verge of extinction.

Course of Action: I. The species of animals, which are on the verge of extinction, must be protected by creating wild life sanctuaries, which contain flora that defines the native habitat of the endangered animals.

II. To the maximum extent possible we should stop deforestation.

III. Growing urban forests to compensate for deforestation.




Answer: Option C


Here the problem is extinction of various species of animals, so providing  them their native habitat is the proper solution for the problem.

II is a proper course of action, as stopping deforestation can solve the problem to some extent.

III is not a proper course of action as urban forest cannot be the habitat for the wild animals.


Statement: Food kiosks, rickshaw stands, hawkers and car repair shops, which are multiplying on the city’s pavements, is leading to congestion. Residents of ground floor flats and buildings near markets are the worst affected as a result.

Course of Action: I. Hawkers should be evicted from the pavements.

II. All encroachments should be immediately removed.

III. Residents should relocate to more peaceful surroundings.

A       Only I follow.

Answer: Option C


As, hawkers are not the only problem, hence I does not follow.

As II is talking about all encroachments, hence it follows.

III is not a proper course of action as that is bit practically possible.


Statement: Poverty is increasing because the people, who are deciding how to tackle it, know absolutely nothing about the poor.

Courses of Action:

  1. The decision makers should go to the grass root levels.
  2. The decision makers should come from the poorer sections of the society.
  3. A new set of decision makers should replace the existing one.
Answer: Option A


The statement indirectly asserts that the decision makers can work effectively to eliminate poverty, only if they get to know the basic problems afflicting the poor people through interaction with them. So, only I follows.