Data sufficiency practice test


Directions(1-10): Each question given below has a problem and two statements numbered I and II giving certain information. You have to decide if the information given in the statement is sufficient for answering the problem.

Mark your answer as

(a) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question

(b) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient answer the question

(c) if the data either in I or II alone are sufficient to answer the question

(d) if the data even in both the statements together are not sufficient to answer the question

(e) if the data in bothe the statements together are needed


What is Reen’s rank in the class?

I . There are 26 students in the class

II. There are 9 students who have scored less than Reena

Answer: Option E


From I and II  we conclude that there are 16 students above Reena in rank. Thus, Reen’s rank is 17 th in the class. So, both the statements are necessary.


Who is father of M?

I  . A and  B are brothers

II. B’s wife is sister of M’s wife

Answer: Option D


From II we conclude that B is the brother-in-law of M. So, even from both the statements, we can’t find out who is the father of M.


When is Manohar’s  birthday this year?

I  .It is between January 13 and 15 ,  January 13 being Wednesday

II. It is not on Friday

Answer: Option A


From statement I, we conclude that Manohar’s birthday is on January 14 , which is Thursday, this year. So only I is needed


What is the monthly salary of Praveen?

I . Praveen gets 15% more than Sumit while Sumit gets 10% less than Lokesh.

II. Lokesh’s monthly salary is Rs.2500

Answer: Option E


From both the given statements, we find that :
Praveen’s salary =1115% of (90% of Rs. 2500) = Rs.2587.50
So, both I and II are required


The chairman of a big company visits one department on Monday of every week except for the Monday of third week of every month. When did he visit the purchase department?

I . He visited Accounts department in the second week of September after  having visited purchase department on the earlier occasion.

II . He has visited purchase department immediately after visiting stores department but before visiting Account department

Answer: Option A


From statement I we can conclude that the chairman visited purchase department on Monday of the first week of September .So I alone is sufficient.


Which day of the last week did Satish meet Kapil at Kapil’s residence?

I. Kapil was out of town from Monday to Wednesday. He returned on Thursday morning

II . On friday night Sathish telephoned his friend to inform that only yesterday he had got approval of Kapil after personally explaining to him all the details

Answer: Option B


statement II revels that Satish met his friend Kapil on the day prior to Friday. ie, Thursday.


How much was the total sale of the company ?

I  .The company sold 8000 units of product A each costing Rs.25

II . The company has no other  product line

Answer: Option E


From statement I and II together we find that company sells only product A and total sale of product A = Rs.(8000×25)=Rs.200000 which is also the total sale of the company


A,B,C,D and E are sitting in a row. B is between A and E. Who among them is in the middle?

I. A is left of B and right of D

II. C is at the right end

Answer: Option E


Clearly we have the order : A,B,E
From I we have the order : D, A B,E
From II we get the complete sequence as D,A,B,E,C. Cleraly B is in middle. So both I and II are required


Is Arun taller than Sachin?

I . Dinesh is of the same height as Arun and Sachin

II . Sachin is not shorter than Dinesh

Answer: Option A


From statement I we can conclude that Arun, Sachin and Dinesh are of same height


In a certain language ‘pit nac mit’ means ‘red pant shirt’ Which word mean ‘pant’ in that language?

I. ‘mit  tim nac sir’ means ‘he wore red pant’

II. ‘nee jic pit’ means ‘shirt is dirty’

Answer: Option D


Clearly from each of the statements, we find that the code for ‘pant’ is either ‘mit’ or ‘nac’ .So none of them sufficient to answer the question