Input-Output Practice test

Study the following information to answer the questions given below: A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input   :    48   245  182  26  99  542  378  297

Step I :     542  48  245  182  26  99  378  297

Step II:     542  26  48  245  182  99  378  297

Step III:    542  26  378  48  245  182  99  297

Step IV:   542  26  378  48  297  245  182  99

Step V:    542  26  378  48  297  99  245  182

This is the final arrangement and step V is the last step for this input


1.What will be fourth step for an input whose second step is given below

Step II : 765  42  183  289  542  65  110  350

Answer: Option C


By assumption

II : 765  42  183  289  542  65  110  350

III : 765  42  542  183  289  65  110  350

Hence IV : 765  42  542  65  183  289  110  350


What should be the third step of the following inputs?

Input : 239  123  58  361  495  37


Answer: Option D


By assumption

Input : 239  123  58  361  495  37

II            : 495  239  123  58  361  58

Hence III:  495  37  361  239  123  58


How many steps will be required to get the final output from the following input?

Input : 39  88  162  450  386  72  29

Answer: Option D


Starting from the input :

Input : 39  88  162  450  386  72  29

I   : 450 39  88  162  386  72  29

II  : 450  29  39  88  162  386  72

III :  450  29  386  39  88  162  72

IV : 450  29  386  39  169  88  72

V  : 450  29  386  39  162  72  88


What should be the last step of the following output?

Input : 158  279  348  28  326  236


Answer: Option A


Starting from the input

Input : 158  279  348  28  326  236

I   : 348  158  278  28  326  236

II  : 348   28  158  279  326  236

III :  348  28  326  158  279  236


If the first step of an input is “785  198  32  426  373  96  49  ” the which of the following step will be ” 785  32  426  49  198  373  96  “?


Answer: Option B


I   : 785  198  32  426  373  96  49

II  :  785  32  198  426  373  96  49

III :  785  32  426  198  373  96  49

IV :  785  32  426  49  198  373  96

Hence, the required second step is fourth


Below is given the second step of an input. What will be its fourth step?

Step II :298  12  128  36  212  185

Answer: Option B


By Assumption

II  : 298  12  128  36  212  185

III : 298  12  212  128  36  185

Hence,  IV: 298  12  212  36  128  185


Below is given the third step of an input.What will be its second step?

Step III : 387  42  236  185  92  64

Answer: Option D

Directions (Qs. 8 to 10) : Study the following information to answer the given questions.
A word arrangement machine, when given an input line of words, rearranges them following a particular  rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and the steps of rearrangement.


Input : Go for to thought By easy to Access at
Step I : Access Go for to Though By easy To at
Step II : Access at Go for to Though by easy To
Step III : Access at By Go for to Though easy to
Step IV : Access at By easy Go or to Though To
Step V  : Access at By easy for G to though To
Step VI : Access at By easy for Go Though to To
Step VII : Access at By easy or Go though To to
(and step VII is the last step for this input.)
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in the given questions the appropriate step for the given input.

8. Input : Over Go for through at one
Which step number will be the last step of the above input.

Answer: Option D


Words are written in dictionary order
1st step : around Story For on was He at
2nd step : at For Over Go through one
3rd step  : at For Go Over through one
4th step  : at For Go one Over through (Last step)


Input : Story for around on was He at.

Which of the following will be the IV step ?

Answer: Option B


1st step  : around Story For on was He at
2nd Step : around at Story For on was He
3rd Step : around at For Story on was HE
4th Step : around at For He Story on was


Input :Together over series on feast the so.

Which of the following steps will be the last but one ?

Answer: Option D


1st Step : feast Together over series on the so
2nd Step : feast on Together over series the so
3rd step : feast on over Together series the so
4th step : feast on over series Together the so
5th Step : feast on over series so the Together (Last step)

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