IBPS Placement-Paper(general awareness)

IBPS Specialists officers IT -Computer based questions, IBPS Specialists officers largest collection of aptitude ,reasoning general awareness, Professional Knowledge questions with answers

1. You can use the formula pallette to

A) format cells containing numbers
B) create and edit formula containing functions-Answer
C) enter assumptions data
D) copy a range of cells

2. When a range is selected, how can you activate the previous cell?

A) Press the Alt key
B) Press Tab
C) Press Enter
D) None of above-Answer

3. Which tool you will use to join some cells and place the content at the middle of joined cell?

A) From Format Cells dialog box click on Merge Cells check box
B) From Format Cells dialog box select the Centered alignment
C) From Format Cells dialog box choose Merge and Center check box
D) Click on Merge and Center tool on formatting toolbar-Answer

4. Tab scroll buttons are place on Excel screen

A) towards the bottom right corner
B) towards the bottom left corner-Answer
C) towards the top right corner
D) towards the top left corner

5. The Name box on to the left of formula bar

A) shows the name of workbook currently working on
B) shows the name of worksheet currently working on
C) shows the name of cell or range currently working on-Answer
D) None of above

6. Each excel file is a workbook that contains different sheets. Which of the following can not be a sheet in workbook?

A) work sheet
B) chart sheet
C) module sheet
D) data sheet-Answer

7. Which of the following is not the correct method of editing the cell content?

A) Press the Alt key-Answer
B) Press the F2 key
C) Click the formula bar
D) Double click the cell

8. You can merge the main document with data source in Excel. In mail merge operation, Word is usually

A) server
B) source
C) client-Answer
D) none

9. How can you update the values of formula cells if Auto Calculate mode of Excel is disabled?

A) F8
B) F9-Answer
C) F10
D) F11

10. You want to set such that when you type Baishakh and drag the fill handle, Excel should produce Jestha, Aashadh and so on. What will you set to effect that?

A) Custom List-Answer
B) Auto Fill Options
C) Fill Across Worksheet
D) Fill Series

11. Where can you change automatic or manual calculation mode in Excel?

A) Double CAL indicator on status bar
B) Go to Tools >> Options >> Calculation and mark the corresponding radio button-Answer
C) Both of above
D) None of above

12. How can you show or hide the gridlines in Excel Worksheet?

A) Go to Tools >> Options >> View tab and mark or remove the check box named Gridline
B) Click Gridline tool on Forms toolbar
C) Both of above-Answer
D) None of above

13. Which of the following Excel screen components can NOT be turned on or off?

A) Formula Bar
B) Status Bar
C) Tool Bar
D) None of above-Answer

14. What happens when you press Ctrl + X after selecting some cells in Excel?

A) The cell content of selected cells disappear from cell and stored in clipboard
B) The cells selected are marked for cutting-Answer
C) The selected cells are deleted and the cells are shifted left
D) The selected cells are deleted and cells are shifted up

15. Which of the following option is not available in Paste Special dialog box?

A) Add
B) Subtract
C) Divide
D) SQRT-Answer

16. Which command will you choose to convert a column of data into row?

A) Cut and Paste
B) Edit >> Paste Special >> Transpose-Answer
C) Both of above
D) None of above

17. It is acceptable to let long text flow into adjacent cells on a worksheet when

A) data will be entered in the adjecent cells
B) no data will be entered in the adjacent cells-Answer
C) there is no suitable abbrevition for the text
D) there is not time to format the text

18. Which of the cell pointer indicates you that you can make selection?

A) Doctor’s symbol (Big Plus)-Answer
B) small thin plus icon
C) Mouse Pointer with anchor at the tip
D) None of above

19. Which of the cell pointer indicates that you can fill series?

A) Doctor’s symbol (Big Plus)
B) small thin plus icon-Answer
C) Mouse Pointer with anchor at the tip
D) None of above

20. Which of the cell pointer indicate that you can move the content to other cell?

A) Doctor’s symbol (Big Plus)
B) small thin plus icon-Answer
C) Mouse Pointer with anchor at the tip
D) None of above

21. What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row?
a. Hyperlink

b. Index

c. Transpose

d. Rows

Correct Answer: c

22. When you insert an Excel file into a Word document, the data are

a. Hyperlinked

b. Placed in a word table

c. Linked

d. Embedded

Correct Answer: b. Placed in a word table

23. Except for the …… function, a formula with a logical function shows the word “TRUE” or “FALSE” as a result

a. IF

b. AND

c. OR

d. NOT

Correct Answer: a

24. Macros are “run” or executed from the ….. menu.

a. Insert

b. Frmat

c. Tools

d. Data

Correct Answer: c

25. You can open the consolidate dialog box byt choosing Consolidate from the ….. menu.

a. Insert

b. Format

c. Tools

d. Data

Correct Answer: d

26. Each excel file is called a workbook because

a. It can contain text and data

b. It can be modified

c. It can contain many sheets including worksheets and chart sheets

d. You have to work hard to create it

Correct Answer: c

27. Which types of charts can excel produce?

a. Line graphs and pie charts only

b. Only line graphs

c. Bar charts, line graphs and pie charts

d. Bar charts and line graphs only

Correct Answer: c

28. How are data organized in a spreadsheet?

a. Lines and spaces

b. Layers and planes

c. Rows and columns

d. Height and width

Correct Answer: c

29. What does the VLOOKUP function do?

a. Looks up text that contain ‘v’

b. Checks whether text is the same in one cell as in the next

c. Finds related records

d. All of above

Correct Answer: c

30. Gridlines

a. May be turned off for display but turned on for printing

b. May be turned on or off for printing

c. The be turned off for display and printing

d. a, b and c

Correct Answer: d

31. You can print only an embedded chart by

a. Moving the chart to a chart sheet before you print.

b. Formatting the chart before you print

c. Selecting the chart before you print

d. a and c

Correct Answer: d

32. Which of the following is a correct order of precedence in a formula calculation?

a. Multiplication and division, exponential positive and negative value

b. Multiplication and division, positive and negative values, addition and subtraction

c. Addition and subtraction, positive and negative values, exponentiation

d. None of above

Correct Answer: d

33. A function inside another function is called a ….. function.

a. Nested

b. Round

c. Sum

d. Text

Correct Answer: a

34. How should you print a selected area of a worksheet, if you’ll want to print a different area next time?

a. On the file menu, point to print area, and then click set print area.

b. On the file menu, click print, and then click selection under print what

c. On the view menu, click custom views, then click add

d. All of above

Correct Answer: b

35. Youar German supplier still invoices for parts in deutsche marks. How can you have Excel convert those sums to Euros?

a. On the Insert menu, click Symbol and from the currency symbols subset, select the Euro sign.

b. On the tools menu, click Add-Ins, and select the Euro Currency Tools check box

c. Apply a selected background color

d. All of above

Correct Answer: b

36. Which function calculates your monthly mortage payment?

a. PMT (payments)

b. NPER (number of periods)

c. PV (present value)

d. All of above

Correct Answer: a

37. If you are working in English (US), Chinese or Japanese, Excel 2002 can speak data as you enter it, to help you verify accuracy. How do you activate this feature?

a. Point to speech on the tools menu, and then click show text to speech toolbar.

b. Click validation on the data menu

c. Point to speech on the tools menu, and then click speech recognition

d. All of above

Correct Answer: a

38. Which of the following methods can not be used to enter data in a cell?

a. Pressing an arrow key

b. Pressing the tab key

c. Pressing the Esc key

d. Clicking the enter button to the formula bar

Correct Answer: c.

39. Which of the following will not set text in selected cells to italics?

a. Pressing Ctrl + I on the keyboard

b. Using the Tools – Wizard – Web Form menu item

c. Using the Format – Cells – Font menu item

d. None of the above

Correct Answer: b

40. Which of the following methods cannot be used to edit the content of cell?

a. Pressing the Alt key

b. Clicking the formula bar

c. Pressing F2

d. Double clicking the cell