IBPS Placement-Paper(Banking Interview Questions)

IBPS Bank Interview Questions & Answers,IBPS Bank PO, clerk, IBPS Gramin Bank interview questions and other banks (Andhrabank, SBI, Canarabank, syndicate bank, Gramin bank, Punjab national bank,Federal Bank, Syndicate Bank, Bank Of India, Union Bank, Banking terms which may be asked in bank interview questions,


Banking Interview Questions

IBPS has declared the results of the Bank CWE Clerk Exam and about 5.3 Lakh candidates have cleared the exam. So, it is now time to gear up for the interviews which will soon follow and competition won’t be easy because of the sheer number. It is utmost important to prepare well for the interviews as many of you will get interview calls only from few banks and it is important that you get selected in atleast one bank. Read our post on what to expect after clearing the ibps bank clerk exam?

Usually for bank interviews, there will be 2 to 3 persons in the interview panel. Before the final interview, HR will check all the necessary documents needed and he can also ask few bank specific questions like CASA, Basel norms and profit of the bank, difference between various banking products etc. We are categorising the questions in 2 forms – HR Questions and Technical Questions –
Preparatory aspects of interview

Look at a few preparatory aspects that you need to know about interviews.

1.Dress code
2.Entry and initial moments in the interview room
3.Sitting posture
4.Body language
5.Language to be used in an interview
6.Conduct inside the interview room

What the interviewer look for in an interviewee ?

The interviewer are chiefly interested in knowing whether you are a suitable candidate for a management course as well as for taking up managerial responsibilities in future.

The main qualities that the interviewer look for the candidate are:

Level of knowledge the candidates possesses.
Conceptual understanding of issues
Clarity of thought
Communication skill
Planning of career
Basic personality
Reacting to a situation

Talk about Banking – what the interviewer seeks for is a person who is flexible to be along with the given timings, someone who can cope up with writing bits and bobs or a person who can benefit them with more development .Your answer can have following bulleted points.

>>Banking is a fast changing environment

>>Retail banking is now very competitive – from telephone banking, retailers and etc Banking is thus now largely sales driven.

>>You can even talk about IT getting changes and clearing banks offers a wide range of career opportunities for graduates – not just in branch banking but also in financial services, consultancy and corporate banking.

Have you applied to any other areas apart from banking?

Here off course your answer will hold some other finance or sales and marketing careers – insurance or accountancy, altogether these careers should have skills related to banking.

Tell me about an experience in which you had to use tact?

Tact and diplomacy are important qualities in retail banking – the customer is (almost!) always right. You may have to tell an account holder diplomatically why they can’t have a loan for example, without provoking them into moving their account elsewhere.

What significant trends do you see in the future for our industry?

This is your chance to shine. You will be fully familiar with the economic situation as it relates to banking or how recent legislation affects it. How will you be familiar? Because you will have done your research and preparation properly.
You will have talked to people about the employer, you will have been reading trade magazines, journals and newspapers, and you will have poured over company brochures, annual reports or anything else you can get your hands on direct from the employer.
You could talk about tele-banking, the limited range of services now being offered by the supermarket banks, the effects of technology and competition and much more.
The Employment Files in the Careers Service library are an obvious first place to look. The Internet is also an excellent source of information. Be ready to have more than one significant trend to discuss!

Tell me about yourself/ describe yourself?

What does you name means?

Why gap in education(if there is gap)?

Describe your work experience(if there is..)?

Why have you left your previous job?

What do you know about our bank?

How many bank exams(or)interviews have you attended so far?

What are your strengths?

What are your weakness?

Why are you switching your career?

How will your education help your banking career?

What have you been doing since now after education?

Are you willing to work anywhere in india?

When mnc’s are paying more salaries why you are settling down for low salaries in banks?

Why do you want to join in banking sector?

Why should we select you?

How would you take it if you were not selected for this position?

Do you have any questions for us?

Banking terms which may be asked in bank interview questions

> repo rate
>reverse repo rate
>bank rate
>CRR(cash reserve ratio)
>SLR (statutory liquidity ratio)
>MSR(marginal standing facility)
>scheduled bank
>nationalized bank
>why banks are nationalized
>poverty line
>MCC(multiple credit creation)
>fixed time deposits
>demand deposits
>stale cheque
>currency chest
>PAC’s(primary agricultural cred societres)
>limited liability
>mutual funds
>consumer credit card
>sovereign wealth fund


Documents Required for IBPS Bank Interview
Under IBPS common written examination (CWE) is soon going to start the interview process for recruitment of Bank PO for their banks. We have defined the basic document checklist which is common for most of the bank interviews conducted by IBPS. Have a look and see if you are ready for the IBPS Interviews –
>> System generated printed online application form.
>> School Mark Sheets (X and XII)
>> Photocopy of University Final Degree Passing Certificate (Convocation) (Provisional Degree Passing Certificate will be accepted only in case of those candidates who have passed the Degree Final           Examination and the University has not conferred the Degree on the applicant).
>> Year-wise / semester-wise mark sheet for each year / semester in respect of each of the examinations passed from the concerned college & university.
>> Computer course passing certificate in computer awareness & office automation course for duration of minimum 60 hours (The requirement of having completed the computer awareness & automation course will be waived in case of those graduates having computer awareness or knowledge as part of the curriculum at the degree level and this fact should be indicated in the application form and also evidenced by an duly highlighted entry of the subject in the relevant mark sheet.)
>> Copy of online application form submitted to ibps for applying for the written test.
>> Work Experience Certificate in case if you have mentioned.
>> Original fees payment receipt
>> Valid IBPS Score card
>> Caste/PWD certificates as applicable
>> Photo Identity Proof
>> 3 to 4 copies of photos
Though the list is quite exhaustive but ensure you read the guide for each of the bank interview to ensure you take all the necessary documents for the interview.

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