Repco-Bank Placement-Paper : English Language Model

Repco Bank Test of English Language Model Questions with answers


Directions (1-10) : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error; the answer is (e) i.e. ‘No Error’. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).


1.  He was grateful (a) / to me for the help (b) / that I had extended for him (c) / in the hour of his need. (d) / No Error (e)

Ans : e

2.  While undergoing a (a) / strenuous workout, (b) / he suffered a massive heart attack (c) / but luckily survival. (d) / No Error  (e)

Ans : d

3.  Taking care of yourself  (a) / cannot be (b) / and should not be considered (c) / as a selfish thing. (d) / No Error (e)

Ans : b

4.  The smooth and easier (a) / we allow people to navigate (b) / through any device at any place (c) / in the world, the better. (d) / No Error (e)

Ans : a

5.   What really agonize them (a) / is the presence of (b)  / an unwanted and unscrupulous (c) / member on the panel. (d) / No Error (e)

Ans : d

6.  People express their expectations (a) / that their leaders should not  (b) / resorting to (c) / corrupt practices and nepotism, (d) / No Error (e)

Ans : c

7.  Asian culture will, (a) / sooner or later (b) / become international norm (c) / for entertainment industry. (d) / No Error (e)

Ans : d

8.  The business lobby wanted (a) / he to take over (b) / as the new Chairman (c) / of their coveted Board. (d) /  No Error (e)

Ans : b

9.  He thinks that (a) / a popular magazine would like to (b) / know what are other topics most (c) / no people’s minds. (d) / No Error (e)

Ans : b

10.  We as the editors of (a) / a popular magazine would like to (b) / know what are other topics most (c) / on people’s minds. (d) / No Error  (e)

Ans : c

Directions (11-15) :  Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them.

(A)  It is a general term used to describe over 200 individual diseases.

(B)  The abnormal cells grow with-out any control, invade through normal tissue barriers and reproduce indefinitely.

(C)  The word “cancer” comes from Latin, meaning a crab.

(D)  These characteristics include development within any tissue of a malignant growth.

(E)  A tumour was called cancer because of swollen veins around the area resembling a crab’s limbs.

(F)  These diseases progress differently over a period of time and share certain characteristics.

11.  Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E    (ANS)

12.  Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?

(a) A

(b) B   (ANS)

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E  

13.  Which of the following should be the FOURTH  sentence after rearrangement ?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D    (ANS)

(e) E  

14.  Which of the following should be the FIFTH  sentence after rearrangement ?

(a) A     (ANS)

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) None of these   

15.  Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST)   sentence after rearrangement ?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) None of these     (ANS)


Directions (16-20) :  In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningfully complete.


16.  Liberalization has removed all the legal ………. and ………….. flood-gates to multinational companies.

(a) hurdles …………. awarded

(b) barriere ………… opened      (ANS)

(c) obstacles ……….. guarded

(d) manipulation ………. closed

(e) battles …………. threw


17. The ………. on some of the towns has created …….. among the residents of the other part of the country.

(a) attack ………….. ambition

(b) raid ………. awareness

(c) bombardment ……… panic      (ANS)

(d) spell ……….. satisfaction

(e) shower …………. dampness


18. …………. to the popular belief that every astrologer nurtures blind faith in fate, our astrologer believes in

(a) Contrary …….. action      (ANS)

(b) According ………. thoughts

(c) Bowing …………… present

(d) Proving …………. forecasting

(e) Pointing ………….. devotion


19.  His ……….. has yielded him the …………. fruit. 

(a) fate ……… undesirable

(b) efforts …….. unwanted       (ANS)

(c) action ………. viable

(d) perseverance …………… desired

(e) emphasis ……. expected


20.  His ………… contribution to the Tsunami relief fund was …………. by his staff members.

(a) meagre  ………… admired

(b) spontaneous  ………… nullified

(c) negligible  …………  sanctioned

(d) noteworthy  …………  improved

(e) generous  …………  appreciated       (ANS)


Directions (21-25) :  For each statement there are three different sentences given below it. Pick out the sentence (s) that most appropriately conwey (s) the meaning of the statement The number of that sentence or combination of sentences is the answer.


21. I could not observe his unwillingness while donating to charity.

(A)  I observed his willingness to donate to charity.

(B)  I failed to detect his reluctance, if there was any, while he was donating to charity.

(C)  I noticed his enthusiasm while donating to charity.

(a) Only A

(b) Only B      (ANS)

(c) Only C

(d) Only A and B

(e) Only B and C

22.  If you hesitate to participate freely and vigorously, your performance will be adversely affected.

(A)  Participate freely and vigorously if you desire to demonstrate your full performance.

(B)  Do not participate with reservations if you want your participation to be affected adversely.

(C)  your free and vigorous participation is most likely to affect your performance adversely.

(a) Only A      (ANS)

(b) Only B

(c) Only C

(d) Only A and B

(e) Only B and C

23.  Who do you think will be able to handle the work effectively ?

(A) In your opinion, there is none who can handle the work effectively.

(B) Who, in your opinion, can handle the work effectively ?

(C)  Can you name the person who, as per your assessment, can handle the work effectively ?

(a) Only A

(b) Only B

(c) Only C

(d) Only A and B

(e) Only B and C       (ANS)

24. How much you speak is less important than how well you speak ?

(A)  The quality of your talk is less important than the quantum of your talk.

(B)  How good you speak is as important as how much you speak.

(C) The quality of your talk as also the quantum are equally important.

(a) Only A and B

(b) Only B and C      (ANS)

(c) All the three

(d) None

(e) Only A

25.  All our efforts were wasted due to the negligence of the clients.

(A)  The negligence of the clients was responsible for making our efforts futile. 

(B)  Our efforts would have been fruitful had there been no negligence on the part of the clients.

(C) The negligence of the clients saved all our efforts from being wasted.

(a) Only A

(b) Only B

(c) Only A and B      (ANS)

(d) Only B and C

(e) All the three


Directions (26-30) :   In the following passage, there are blanks. each, of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which Fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case,

        New technology has led directly to (26) standards of living yet science tends to follow market forces as well as to (27) them,  It is not surprising that the rich get richer in a continuing cycle of (28) while the poorest are often left behind.  A special (29) should be made by the powerhouses of  world science to address the unmet challenges of the poor. Ending (30) poverty can relieve many of the pressures on the environment. When impoverished households are (31)(32) on their farms, for example, they face less pressure to cut down neighboring forests in (33) of new farmland. Still, even as extreme poverty ends, we must not fuel prosperity with a lack of (34)  for industrial pollution and the (35) burning of fossil fuels.  

26. (a) visible

(b) declining

(c) Improved      (ANS)

(d) amicable

(e) rigorous

27. (a) fail

(b) claim

(c) market

(d) avoid

(e) lead      (ANS)

28. (a) wealth

(b) growth

(c) poverty

(d) improvement      (ANS)

(e) economy

29.  (a) effort

(b) care      (ANS)

(c) practice

(d) occasion

(e) sanction

30. (a) marginal

(b) apparent

(c) superficial

(d) extreme      (ANS)

(e) dismal

31. (a) abnormally

(b) less

(c) more      (ANS)

(d) excessively

(e) unreasonably

32. (a) efficient

(b) meticulous

(c) careful

(d) dependent       (ANS)

(e) productive

33. (a) view

(b) search       (ANS)

(c) expectation

(d) lust

(e) place

34. (a) attitude

(b) mobility

(c) initiative

(d) concern       (ANS)

(e) ease

35. (a) unchecked

(b) repeated       (ANS)

(c) periodical

(d) occasional

(e) limited