DRDO(Defence Research & Development Organisation) CEPTAM (Centre for Personnel Talent Management) Selection Process

DRDO(Defence Research & Development Organisation) CEPTAM (Centre for Personnel Talent Management) Selection Process

1. Sarnath is situated in the state of
a) MP
b) Bihar
c) Punjab
d) UP

2. Green house effect is due to the increase of atmospheric
a) CO2 level
b) SO2 level
c) CO level
d) N2 level

3. In the month of July, it is winter in
a) New York
b) Beijing
c) Sydney
d) London
4. The chairman of the Planning commission of India is
a) The prime minister
b) The vice-president
c) The union finance minister
d) The union commerce minister

5. The satellite launch vehicle that placed a number of satellites ito orbit in May 2008 is
a) PSLV-C7
b) PSLV-C8
c) PSLV-C9
d) PSLV-C10

6.DRDO was formed in
a) 1947
b) 1950
c) 1954
d) 1958

7. SAMYUKTA is developed for the use of
a) Navy
b) Army
c) Air force
d) RAC
8. DARL 202 is a variety of
a) pea
b) garlic
c) capsicum
d) tomato

a) a surface to surface battlefield missile
b) a quick reaction surface to air missile
c) an intermediate range ballistic missile
d) a supersonic cruise missile

10. HUMSA is a
a) sonar
b) tank
c) mine
d) night vision device

11. The value of 1+2i / 3-4i + 2-I / 5i , where i^2 is -1, is
a) -5/2
b) 5/2
c) 2/5
d) -2/5
12. The particular solution of the differential equation d^2y/dx^2 + 2 dy/dx + 5y = 0 satisfying the conditions y(0)=0 and y’(0)=1 is
a) y=1/2 e^-x cos2x
b) y=1/2 e^-x sin4x
c) y=1/2 e^-x sin2x
d) y=1/2 e^-x cos4x

13. For the vectors A=3i-2j+k and B=2i-k, the value of (A*B).A is
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

14. The orthogonal trajectory of the family of curves x^2-y^2 = a (where a is a constant) and passing through the point (1,1) is
a) y=-1/x
b) y=1/x
c) y=-x
d) y=x

15. The value of the line integral ∫ y^2 dx + 2xydy over the curve x=accost, y=asint is
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 4
16. The n-th partial sum of the infinite series 1/1*2 + 1/2*3 + 1/3*4+……1/n*(n+1)……..
a) 1/n+1
b) n+2/n+1
c) n/n+1
d) n-1/n+1

17. The complex-valued function f(z)=e^z is analytic for
a) no z
b) all z
c) real z only
d) imaginary z only

18. The inverse of the matrix [ cos A sin A -sin A cos A] is
a) [ -cos A Sin A
b) [cos A sin A}
c) [cos A -sin A
d) [cos A -sin A sin A cos A] sin A -cos A] -sin A cos A] sin A cos A]

19. Consider the function f(x) defined as F(x) = 3x-1, x0 In the following table, List I shows 4 expressions for limits of f(x) and List II indicates the values of the limits
List I List II
P.Lim x->2 f(x) 1. -1
Q.Lim x->0+ f(x) 2. 9
R.Lim x->0- f(x) 3. -10
S.Lim x->-3 f(x) 4. 5
The correct matches are

a) P-2,Q-4,R-1,S-3
B) P-2,Q-4,R-3,S-1
C) P-4,Q-2,R-1,S-3
D) P-4,Q-2,R-3,S-1
20. Two events A and B with probability 0.5 and 0.7, respectively, have joint probability of 0.4. The probability that neither A nor B happens is
a) 0.2
b) 0.4
c) 0.6
d) 0.8

21. Consider the differential equation
X^2 d^2/dx^2 + x dy/dx + (x^2 – 4)y = 0. The statement which is not true for it is
a) It is a linear second order ordinary differential equation
b) It can not be reduced to a differential equation with constant coefficients
c) X=0 is a regular singular point
d) It is a non-homogeneous second order ordinary differential equation

22. The sum of two numbers is 16 and the sum of their squares is a minimum. The two numbers are
a) 10,6
b) 9,7
c) 8,8
d) 5,11

23. The value of the definite integral 0∫(π/2)^(1/3) x^2 sin(x^3)dx is
a) -1/3 b) 0 c) 1 d) 1/31

24. A circle C2 is concentric with the circle C1 : x^2 + y^2 -4x +6y -12 =0 and has a radius twice that of C1. The equation of the circle C2 is
a) x^2 + y^2 -4x +6y -13 =0
b) x^2 + y^2 -4x +6y -87 =0
c) x^2 + y^2 -4x +6y -100 =0
d) x^2 + y^2 -4x +6y -88 =0

25. Consider the quadratic equation x^2 + px + q =0. If p and q are roots of the equation, the values of p and q are
a) p=0, q=0 only
b) p=1, q=-2 only
c) p=0, q=0 and p=1, q=-2
d) p=0, q=0 and p=-2, q=1

26. Consider the list of words: etiquette, accommodate, forty, exaggerate, continous, independent, receipt. The number of misspelt words are
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
27. Consider the following sentences
1. A few friends he has are all very rich.
2. Do not insult the weak.
3. The later of the two persons was more interesting.
4. All the informations were correct.
Out of these sentences, the grammatically correct sentence is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

28. The appropriate auxiliary verb to fill in the blank of the sentence “Gandhi knew that he __ soon be jailed.”is
a) would
b) will
c) shall
d) may
29. The number of missing punctuation marks in the sentence “Rajesh along with Amit went to the market.”is
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

30. The meaning of the word PLAGIARISM is
a) theft of public money
b) theft of ideas
c) belief in one god
d) belief in many gods
31. ACROPHOBIA is the abnormal fear of
a) open spaces
b) height
c) fire
d) water

32. The appropriate pair of prepositions to fill in the blank in the sentence “He was angry __ me, because my remarks were aimed __ him.”is
a) at,to b) with, at c) with, to d) at, for
33. The appropriate word(s) to fill up the blank in the sentence “ I remember __ voices in the middle of the night.”is (are)
a) hear
b) to hear
c) hearing
d) heard

34. The passive voice form of the sentence “I have known him for a long time.”is
a) He is known to me for a long time.
b) He is known by me for a long time.
c) He has been known to me for a long time.
d) He has been known by me for a long time.

35. If kennel is to a dog, then __ is to a hen.
a) nest
b) coop
c) hole
d) stable

36. If NATION is to 5236765, then NOTION is to
a) 573675
b) 563765
c) 576375
d) 557365

37. The next two numbers of the series 3,5,11,21 are
a) 34 and 52
b) 34 and 53
c) 35 and 52
d) 35 and 53
38. A, B and C are three places in India with longitudes 80E, 85 E and 90 E respectively. Which one of the following statements about the local times of the places is true?
a) Local time of C is ahead of that of B.
b) Local time of B is ahead of that of C.
c) Local time of A is ahead of that of C.
d) A, B and C all have the same local time.

39. In this question, notations +, / and * are used as follows
A + B means A is the husband of B.
A / B means A is the sister of B.
A * B means A is the son of B. With these relations, the relationship denoted by P / Q * R is
a) P is son of R
b) P is daughter of R
c) P is uncle of R
d) P is father of R

40 If DELHI is written as EDHIL, then PARIS is written as

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