LIC Direct Sales Executive written test pattern

LIC DSE – Direct Sales Executive Selection procedure, LIC Direct Sales Executive written test pattern, LIC Direct Sales Executive Apprentice Development Officers, model questions for practice, LIC free solved sample placement papers, LIC DSE and ADP recruitment details, LIC Written test pattern 2013


LIC recruitment notification does not speak much about the pattern of DSE written test

It consists of Objective Type Questions in the following four sections

1. Sales aptitude
2. Test of Reasoning
3. Numerical Ability
4. General knowledge

Exam pattern is almost similar to Bank exams and hence you can base your preparation on the Bank exams


LIC India Recruitment 2012 – Apply Online for 12529 DSE Vacancies: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has issued notification against recruitment of 12529 Direct Sales Executive (DSE) Vacancies for Various Offices of the Corporation under the jurisdiction of eight different Zonal Offices. Eligible candidates must apply online on or before 28-12-2012.

LIC India Vacancy Details:
Name of Post: Direct Sales Executive
Total Number of Vacancies: 12529

Selection Process: Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Written Test and/or Personal Interview.

Important Dates:
Starting Date for Online Registration: 08-12-2012
Last Date for Online Registration: 28-12-2012
Starting Date for Fee Deposit: 08-12-2012
Last Date for Fee Deposit: 27-12-2012

a) Selection will be made on the basis of a written test (if necessary), followed by an  Interview of candidates who qualify in the written test. Written Test (if any) may be held at the centre where Direct Marketing Unit applied for is located. The written  test (if any) will be of Objective Type covering Sales aptitude Test of Reasoning, Numerical Ability and General Knowledge. The date and venue of the written test, if  to be conducted, will be communicated to the eligible candidates through email and also posted on the website under link “Careers” and then “ENGAGEMENT OF DIRECT SALES EXECUTIVES”. Candidates are advised to check the site for this purpose.
b) Interview: Candidates successful in the written test (if conducted) or eligible candidates will be called for an Interview. The Corporation reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for written test and/or interview  commensurate with number of Direct Sales Executives to be engaged and the decision of the Corporation in this regard shall be final. No correspondence will be entertained  in this regard.
c) The selected candidates subject to their being found medically fit by the Medical Examiner authorized by LIC for the purpose will have to undergo Theoretical training and pass IRDA licensing test for obtaining a license to procure Life Insurance Business within a maximum period of three months in maximum three attempts, following which he may be engaged as an apprentice Direct Sales Executive.
d) As an apprenticeship DSE, the candidate shall have to undergo insurance related training and pass a test on the same. The apprentice DSE shall be paid a fixed onetimestipend of Rs 3500/- (Rs. Three thousand five hundred only) as per rules of the Scheme.
e) On successful completion of the apprenticeship and passing the test, the candidate shall be engaged as a Direct Sales Executive purely on contract basis subject to conditions framed by the Corporation.
f) The selected candidate will be allotted specific area of operation during the period of engagement based on Business requirements.
g) It is clarified that selection as a Direct Sales Executive does not confer any right on the candidate to be appointed as an employee in the Corporation.

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