UPSC Civil Services

UPSC Civil Services -IAS Indian History objective type questions with answers, UPSC civil services General studies questions with answers, current affairs questions with answers

1) What was the type of marriage in the Vedic period in which, in place of the dowry, there was a token bride price of a cow and a bull –
1. Asura
2. Arsa
3. Gantharva
4. Rakshsa

2) In which field of art extraordinary progress was made in the Gupta period?
1 Architecture
2 Sculpture
3 Painting
4 Coinage

3) Which one of the following is correctly matched?
1 Brahmo Samaj – Annie Basant
2 Arya Samaj – Lala Lajpat Rai
3 Ram Krishna Mission – Keshab Chandra Sen
4 Theosophical Society – vivekananda

4) Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the victories of Babur?
1 Panipat, Chanderi, Ghaghara and Khanwah
2 Panipat, Ghaghara, Khanwah and Chanderi
3 Panipat, Khanwah, Chanderi and Ghaghara
4 Ghaghara, Panipat, Khanwah and Chanderi

5) The battle at Waihind in 1008-09 A.D was fought between
1 Mahmud of Ghazni and Jayapala
2 Mahmud of Ghazni and Anandapala
3 Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj
4 Muhammad Ghori and Jaichandra

6) As a prince where was Ashoka sent to suppress the revolt?
1 Taxila
2 Kalinga
3 Ujjain
4 Deccan

7) Among the following foreign travellers who was the first to visit India?
1 Bernier
2 Ibn Batuta
3 Abdur Rajjak
4 Vasco-da-Gama

8) Against whom Skandagupta had to wage long wars on the North West border?
1 Shakas
2 Yavanas
3 Huns
4 Greeks

9) The oldest Veda is
1 Atharva Veda
2 Rig Veda
3 Yajur Veda
4 Sama Veda

10) Over Which territory there were frequent clashes between Bahamani Kingdom and Vijaynagar Kingdom?
1 The Raichur Doab
2 Warangal
3 Madurai
4 Malabar

11) The Hathigumpha inscription (near Bhubaneshwar, Orissa) relates to the king
1 Susharma
2 Hala
3 Kharavela
4 Pulamayi

12) The entry port for trade between the Indus trading centres and Mesopotamia was
1 Elam
2 Oman
3 Behrain
4 Afganistan

13) Among the four dynasties listed below, which one minted coins made of lead?
1 Mauryas
2 Satvahanas
3 Western Kshatrapas
4 Guptas

14) During whose period Al-Beruni came to India?
1 Mahmud Ghaznavi
2 Balban
3 Firoz Tughluq
4 Ibrahim Lodhi

15) Against whom Skandagupta had to wage long wars on the North West border?
1 Shakas
2 Yavanas
3 Huns
4 Greeks

16) Where did Aurangzeb die?
1 Agra
2 Asirgarh
3 Daultabad
4 Ahmadnagar

17) Ashoka called the Third Buddhist Council at
1 Pataliputra
2 Magadha
3 Kalinga
4 Sarnath

18) The main historical source regarding the information about village government under the Cholas is the
1 Halmidi inscription
2 Jatwai inscription
3 Uttaramerur inscription
4 Chandravallo inscription

19) What was Sher Shah’s precious legacy to the Mughals?
1 Organization of Army
2 Land Revenue System
3 Mansabdari System
4 Provincial Administration

20) Who among the following taught the doctrine of ‘Shunyata’?
1 Nagarjuna
2 Shankaracharya
3 Harisena
4 Vallabhacharya

21) Which factor influenced most to eliminate caste-system in India?
1 Rationalism
2 Job Opportunities
3 Legislations
4 Liberal Education

22) The earliest tribal assembly was
1 Gana
2 Vidhata
3 Samiti
4 Sabha

23) The foreign traveler who visited India during the rule of the Guptas was
1 Hiuen Tsang
2 Beriner
3 Fa-Hein
4 Manucci

24) The entry port for trade between the Indus trading centres and Mesopotamia was
1 Elam
2 Oman
3 Behrain
4 Afganistan

25) At the earlier stage backward classes movement means?
1 Santal movement
2 Non-Brahmin movement
3 Harijan movement
4 Antirulers movement

25. Yen-Kao-Chen is generally known as—
(A) Kadphises I
(B) Kadphises II
(C) Kanishka
(D) Vasishka
Ans : (B)

26. The writer of the ‘Kalpasutra’ was—
(A) Simuka
(B) Panini
(C) Bhadrabahu
(D) Patanjali
Ans : (C)

27. The writer of the ‘Brihatkatha’ was—
(A) Dattamitra
(B) Gudadhya
(C) Bhadrabahu
(D) Sarvavarman
Ans : (B)

28. According to tradition Kashyapa Matanga introduced Buddhism to—
(A) China
(B) Kashmir
(C) Ceylon
(D) Gandhar
Ans : (A)

29. Which one of the following indicates the correct chronological order of era in India ?
(A) Gupta—Harsha—Vikram—Shaka
(B) Vikram—Harsha—Gupta—Shaka
(C) Gupta—Shaka—Vikram—Harsha
(D) Vikram—Shaka—Gupta—Harsha
Ans : (D)

30. During Pre-Gupta period what was Kahapan ?
(A) An office
(B) A luxury item
(C) A coin
(D) A port
Ans : (C)

31. Which port was known to the author of “Periplus of the Erithrian Sea” as Padouke ?
(A) Tamralipti
(B) Arikmedu
(C) Broach
(D) Cochin
Ans : (B)

32 Chandragupta-II married his daughter Prabhavati to—
(A) Rudrasena-I
(B) Rudrasena-II
(C) Agnimitra
(D) Nagsena
Ans : (B)

33. Which of the following law givers of the post-Gupta period declared that Sudras were not slaves by nature ?
(A) Medhatithi
(B) Vigynaeshwar
(C) Narad
(D) Jimutwahan
Ans : (A)

34. Who was the founder of Gahadwala dynasty who made Kannauj the main centre of his power ?
(A) Jaichandra
(B) Vijaychandra
(C) Chandradev
(D) Govind
Ans : (C)

35. Which of the following Rashtrakut kings defeated the Pratihar ruler Nagabhatta I ?
(A) Indra II
(B) Krishna III
(C) Amoghvarsha I
(D) Govind III
Ans : (D)

36. Who among the following rulers patronized Jayadev, the composer of ‘Geetgovinda’ ?
(A) Laxman Sen
(B) Kharvel
(C) Kumarpala
(D) Shashank
Ans : (A)

37. Who out of the following ousted Jainism from Mysore ?
(A) Naynars
(B) Lingayats
(C) Alwars
(D) Shankaracharya
Ans : (D)

38. Which was the word used for the royal military troops of the Cholas ?
(A) Kattupaddi
(B) Kaikkolar
(C) Bhrtaka
(D) Kadgham
Ans : (B)

39. The Chola rulers undertook extensive land survey to ascertain—
(A) Right of ownership
(B) Government’s share of revenue
(C) Production of grains
(D) Limit of the sources of irrigation
Ans : (B)

40. Which of the following taxes of Chola period was for educational purpose ?
(A) Devadana
(B) Salabhoga
(C) Brahmadeva
(D) Sarvamanya
Ans : (A)

41. The writer of Tabqat-i-Nasiri was—
(A) Barani
(B) Nizamuddin
(C) Minhaj-us-Siraj
(D) Isami
Ans : (C)

42. The following works were written by Ziauddin Barani—
(A) Tarikh-i-Firozshahi and Qiranussadain
(B) Fatwa-i-Jahandari and Ashiqa
(C) Tarikh-i-Firozshahi and Fatwa-i-Jahandari
(D) Futuhus-salatin and Tarikhi-Firozshahi
Ans : (C)

43. Which of the following books were written by Amir Khusro ?
(A) Ashiqa, Qiranussadain, Khazain-ul-Futuh
(B) Qiranussadain, Ashiqa, Tarikh-i-Mubarakshahi
(C) Khazainul Futuh, Tarikh-i-Mubarakshahi, Ashiqa
(D) Tarikh-i-Mubarakshahi, Nuh-i-Siphr, Ashiqa
Ans : (A)

44. Who wrote ‘Qanun-i-Humayuni’ ?
(A) Gulbadan Begum
(B) Yahya
(C) Khwandmir
(D) Nizamuddin
Ans : (C)

45. Which of the following books was written by Ishwardas Nagar ?
(A) Futuhat-i-Alamgiri
(B) Bir Binod
(C) Chhatra Prakash
(D) Ahkam-i-Alamgiri
Ans : (A)

46. With whom of the following Muhammad Ghori aligned against Khusrau Shah ?
(A) King of Gujarat
(B) King of Multan
(C) King of Peshawar
(D) King of Jammu
Ans : (D)

47. At the time of Muhammad Ghori’s invasion against Prithviraj Chauhan who of the following ruled Kannauj ?
(A) The Chandellas
(B) The Pratihars
(C) The Palas
(D) The Gahadwalas
Ans : (D)

48. Who of the following contested with Qutubuddin Aibak for Punjab ?
(A) Ikhtiyaruddin
(B) Tajuddin Yaldauz
(C) Nasiruddin Qubacha
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

49. Who were the Nav Musalmans of the following ?
(A) Descendants of Mongols who settled near Delhi and embraced Islam
(B) Hindu converts to Islam
(C) Khalji Sultans
(D) Ilbari Sultans
Ans : (A)

50. Who was appointed as ambassador to China during the time of Mohammad bin Tughlaq ?
(A) Barbosa
(B) Barani
(C) Ibn Batutah
(D) Abdur Razzak
Ans : (C)