UPSC latest information’s about examinations

UPSC latest information’s about examinations, UPSC Examination alerts, UPSC Civil Services IAS,Engneering Service examination, UPSC combined Medical Service Examination -2013

The Union Public Service Commission will  hold the Combined Medical Services Examination on 30th June 2013,UPSC Engineering Service Examination commencing from 28the June 2013.The examination will be held at various centres across the country

Attention is invited to the detailed Notice of the above mentioned examination published by the Commission in consonance with the rules of examination approved and notified by the Government on 05.03.2013, in its website ( The government has made certain changes in the scheme of Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2013 with consequential amendments in the rules of the examination. Inconsequence to that, the Commission has also published a Corrigendum Notice on its website on 26th March, 2013 on

2. It may also be noted that there is no change in the pattern of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, which will be held on 26.05.2013 as per the earlier schedule. The Commission is accepting applications through
online mode only in the Commission’s website till 4th April, 2013 [till 11.59 PM].

3. A corrigendum to the earlier notification dated 05.03.2013, has accordingly been issued by the Government on 25.03. 2013,vide corrigendum notification number 13018/01/2013- AIS(I), dated 25thMarch, 2013