LIC General awareness questions for practice

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LIC General awareness questions for practice







1.    What was the real name of Dayanand Saraswathy ?
(a)   Mool Sankar Tiwari     (Ans)
(b)   Narendranath
(c)   Gadhadhar
(d)   Moniya

2.     Who was the Viceroy when Indian Penal Code was brought into effect ?
(a)    Mayo
(b)    Ripon
(c)    Minto
(d)    Canning     (Ans)

3.    Muslim League was formed at:
(a)   Lahore
(b)   Dhaka     (Ans)
(c)   Kolkata
(d)   New Delhi

4.    In which year the Swaraj Party founded by C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru started functioning ?
(a)   1923     (Ans)
(b)   1924
(c)   1925
(d)   1926

5.     During whose governor generalship Royal Asiatic Society was found in India ?
(a)    Warren Hastings     (Ans)
(b)    William Bentick
(c)    Canning
(d)    Mayo

6.     In 1878, some of the followers left the organisation led by Keshav Chandra Sen and formed new organisation named Sadharan Brahma Samaj. Who among the following was the leader of it?
(a)   Warren Hastings       (Ans)
(b)   William Bentick
(c)   Canning
(d)   Mayo

7.    Who formed the Indian Reform Association in 1870?
(a)    Ram Mohun Roy
(b)    Keshav Chandra sen     (Ans)
(c)    Vivekananda
(d)    Ananda Mohan Bose

8.    Who founded Arya Samaj in 1875 /
(a)   Vivekanda
(b)    Ram Mohun Roy
(c)    Dwarakanath Tagore
(d)    Dayanand Saraswathy     (Ans)

9.    Who was the Viceroy when the first Census was held in 1871 ?
a)    Mayo     (Ans)
(b)   Curzon
(c)   Hardinge II
(d)   Minto I

10.  The original name of Sriramakrishna Paramhamsa ?
(a)    Mool Sankar Tiwari
(b)    Narendranath Dutt
(c)    Veereswar Dutt
(d)    Gadhadhar Chaterjee     (Ans)

11.   The year in which Congress launched the individual Satyagraha :
(a)    1939
(b)    1940     (Ans)
(c)    1941
(d)    1942

12.    Who among the following was the disciple of Sriramakrishna Paramahamsa ?
(a)    Ram Mohun Roy
(b)    Ananda Mohan Bose
(c)    Vivekananda     (Ans) 
(d)    Dwarakanath Tagore

13.   Who founded Theosophical Society in United States in 1875 ?
(a)    Annie Besant
(b)    Helena Blavatsky
(c)    H.S. Olcott
(d)    Both (b) and (c)     (Ans)

14.   Who founded Wahabi Movement ?
(a)    Shah Walliuallah     (Ans)
(b)    Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
(c)    Syed Ahmed Khan
(d)    Muhammad Ali Jinnah

15.   An Irish woman Margaret Noble became the disciple of —– and adopted the name Sister Nivetita.
(a)    Vivekananda     (Ans)
(b)    Gandhiji
(c)    Aurobindo Ghosh
(d)    Dayanand Saraswathy

16.   Who wrote the book”What Congress and Gandhi have done to untouchables’?
(a)    C. Sankaran Nair
(b)    B. R. Ambedkar     (Ans)
(c)    Subhas Chandra Bose
(d)    Chitharanjan Das

17.    Who started the Self Respect Movement in Tamil Nadu
(a)     C. N. Annadurai
(b)    T. M. Nair
(c)    E. V. Ramaswami Naicker     (Ans)
(d)    P.Tyagaraja Chetty

18.    Who was elected as the president in the All India Kisan Sabha held on Lucknow in 1936 ?
(a)    N. G. ranga
(b)    Swami Sahajanand Saraswati      (Ans)
(c)    EMS Nambuthirippad
(d)    None of these

19.   In 1885 who established All India National Conference in Calcutta?
(a)    W. C. Bannerjee
(b)    Surendranath Bannerjee     (Ans)
(c)    Sirir Bose
(d)    None of these

20.   Who was known as ‘the Saint of Dakshineswar ‘?
(a)    Vivekananda
(b)    Sriramakrishna Paramhamsa     (Ans)
(c)    Ram Mohun Roy
(d)    Dayanand Saraswathy

21.   Ramakrishna Mission was founded by Vivekanda in:
(a)    1897        (Ans)
(b)    1900
(c)    1901
(d)    1902

22.    Who formed the Hindu Widows home Association ?
(a)    Mahadev Govinda Ranade
(b)    Dhondo Keshav Karve        (Ans)
(c)    Iswar Chandra Vidhyasagar
(d)    None of these

23.   Who was the viceroy when the first regular census was held in 1881:
(a)    Ripon        (Ans)
(b)    Lytton
(c)    Mayo
(d)    hardingeI

24.   Out of subhas bregade the Indian National Army had three Guerilla regiments named after Gandhiji , Azad and —————–
(a)    Nehru        (Ans)
(b)    Bhagath singh
(c)    Rash Behari Bose
(d)    Rajaji

25.    Who was known as ‘Lokahtawadi?
(a)    Gopal krishna Gokhale
(b)    Gopal Hari Deshmukh        (Ans)
(c)    Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d)    None of these

26.   Who suggested the name “Congress”?
(a)    W. C. Bannerjee
(b)    Dadabhai Navroji        (Ans)
(c)    A. O. Hume
(d)    Chitharanjan Das

27.    The Viceroy when Vernacular Press Act was introduced ?
(a)    Lytton        (Ans)
(b)    Ripon
(c)    Dufferin
(d)    Curzon

28.    Who is called “the Prince of Martyrs”?
(a)    Subhash Chandra Bose
(b)    Madan Mohan Malavya
(c)    Bhagat Singh        (Ans)
(d)    Mahathma Gandhi

29.   Who founded the Scheduled Caste Federation in 1942 ?
(a)    B. R. Ambedkar        (Ans)
(b)    Kakasaheb Kalelkar
(c)    Jotiba Phule
(d)    None of these

30.    Who led the march in connection with salt satyagraha in Tamil Nadu, from Thiruchirappally to Vedaranyam ?
(a)    Dr. S. Krishnan
(b)    K. Kamaraj
(c)    C. Rajagopalachari        (Ans)
(d)    C. N. Annadurai

31.    In which year the first Round Table Conference was held in London :
(a)    1929
(b)    1930        (Ans)
(c)    1931
(d)    1932

32.    Who designed the national flag of India ?
(a)    Pingale Venkiah        (Ans)
(b)    Gandhiji
(c)    M.N. Roy
(d)    Subhas Chandra Bose

33.    Lyall Commission was appointed during the reign of the Viceroy:
(a)     Curzon
(b)    Hardinge II
(c)    Minto II
(d)   Lord Elgin II        (Ans)

34.   Who was called ‘Desh Nayak’?
(a)    Subhash Chandra Bose        (Ans)
(b)    Madan Mohan Malavya
(c)    Bhagat Singh
(d)    Mahathma Gandhi

35.   Who was known as ‘Deshbandu’?
(a)    C. F. Andrews
(b)    Subhas Chandra Bose
(c)    Chitharanjan Das        (Ans)
(d)    Bhagat Singh

36.    Who was the Governor General when the administration of British India was transferred from East India Company to the British Crown :
(a)    Dalhousie
(b)    Mayo
(c)    Dufferin
(d)    Canning        (Ans)

37.    Who wrote’Anand Mat’?
(a)    Tagore
(b)    Bankim Chandra Chatterjee        (Ans)
(c)    Tarasanker Bannerjee
(d)    None of these

38.    Before Independence who served as the president of Indian National Congress for the longest continuous period ?
(a)    J. L. Nehru
(b)    Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad        (Ans)
(c)    Dabahai Navroji
(d)    W. C. banerjee

39.   Dadabhai Navroji served as the prime minister of :
(a)    Baroda        (Ans)
(b)    Mysore
(c)    Travancore
(d)    Kashmir

40.   Who was the Viceroy when Indian National Congress was formed in 1885?
(a)    Dufferin        (Ans)
(b)    Reading
(c)    Mayo
(d)    Curzon 

41.   The first Mrtyr of the 1857 revolt :
(a)    Jhansi Rani
(b)    Tantiya Tope
(c)    Mangal Pandey        (Ans)
(d)    Nana Sahib

42.    Lord Mountbatten became the Viceroy in :
(a)    1946
(b)    1947        (Ans)
(c)    1948
(d)    1949

43.    Who was known as the ‘Calvin of Hinduism’?
(a)    Iswar Chndra Vidhya Sagar
(b)    Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(c)    Dayanand Saraswathy        (Ans)
(d)    Vivekananda

44.    Who was the political guru of Subhas Chandra Bose ?
(a)    Chitharanjan Das        (Ans)
(b)    Aurobindo Ghosh
(c)    Tagore
(d)    Dadabhai Naoroji

45.   Who among hte following is a leader who participated in all the three Round Table Conferences ?
(a)    Gandhiji
(b)    Jawaharlal Nehru
(c)    Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d)    B. R. Ambedkar         (Ans)

46.    Simon Commission visited India in :
(a)    1926
(b)    1927
(c)    1928        (Ans)
(d)    1929

47.    Who was known as the Nightingale of India ?
(a)     Indira Gandhi
(b)    Sarojini Naidu        (Ans)
(c)    Aruna Asaf Ali
(d)    Annie Besant

48.    Who prepared the draft of the Quit India resolution ?
(a)    Mahathma Gandhi
(b)    Jawaharlal Nehru        (Ans)
(c)    Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
(d)    Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

49.    The Viceroy during the partition of Bengal :
(a)    Hardinge II
(b)    Minto I
(c)    Curzon        (Ans)
(d)    Reading

50.    Political guru of B. R. Ambedkar :
(a)    Jyotiba Phule        (Ans)
(b)    Veeresalingam
(c)    Birsa Munda
(d)    Gopal Krishna Gokhale

51.    Mira Richard was the disciple of
(a)    Gandhiji
(b)    Aurobindo Ghosh        (Ans)
(c)    Vivekananda
(d)    None of these

52.    Which of the following revolutionary Indian leader born in 1906 July 23
(a)    Aurobindo Ghosh        (Ans)
(b)    Surya Sen
(c)    Bhagat Singh
(d)    Chandrasekhar Azad

53.    Who were hanged along with Bhagat Singh?
(a)    Surya Sen and Prafulla Chaki
(b)    Surya Sen and Khudiram Bose
(c)    SKhudiram Bose and Lala Hardayal
(d)    Raj Guru and Sukhdev        (Ans)

54.   The Viceroy when the partition of Bengal was repealed in 1911:
(a)    Minto I
(b)    Hardinge II        (Ans)
(c)    Chelmsford
(d)    Chelmsford

55.   Who made the statement : God is of no use the hungry belly?
(a)    Gandhiji
(b)    Ramakrishna parama hamsa        (Ans)
(c)    Vivekananda
(d)    C.R. Das

56.    In which year Chapekar Brothers assassisinated two unpopular British officials at Pune ?
(a)    1885
(b)    1897        (Ans)
(c)    1931
(d)    1913

57.   Damodar and Yasoda was the parents of ?
(a)    Bhagat Singh
(b)    Chandrasekhar Azad
(c)    V. D. Savarkar       (Ans)
(d)    Prafulla Chaki

58.    India became a member of United nations in :
(a)    1945        (Ans)
(b)    1946
(c)    1947
(d)    1948

59.   Who, along with Khuriram Bose, threw a bomb at a carriage believed to be carrying Kingsford, an unpopular judge at Mussafarpur ?
(a)    Chandrasekhar Azad
(b)    Bhagat Singh
(c)    Uddham Singh
(d)    Prafulla Chaki         (Ans)

60.    Ram Prasad Bismil was hanged in association with——conspiracy case.
(a)    Alipore
(b)    Lahore
(c)    Kakori        (Ans)
(d)    Delhi

61.   Under whose leadership Hindustan Republican Association changed its title to Hindustan Socialist Republican Association ?
(a)    Chandrasekhar Azad         (Ans)
(b)    Aurobindo Ghosh
(c)    Uddam Singh
(d)    Khudiram Bose

62.   The leader of modern India who embraced Buddhism in the later years of his life :
(a)    M. M. Malavya
(b)    B. R. Ambedkar         (Ans)
(c)    Aurobindo Ghosh
(d)    None of these

63.   How many days did it take to complete the process of transfer of power from the British to India as per the mountbatten plan ?
(a)    72         (Ans)
(b)    82
(c)    92
(d)    102

64.    Who killed the Sanders, the police officer whose blows on Lala Lajpath Rai led to his death ?
(a)    Chandrasekhar Azad
(b)    Bhagat Singh         (Ans)
(c)    Uddham Singh
(d)    Prafulla Chaki

65.   Who among the following was hanged on 23rd March 1931?
(a)    Bhagat Singh
(b)    Raj  Guru
(c)    Sukh Dev
(d)    All of these         (Ans)

66.   The Viceroy when Muslim Leaque was formed in 1906:
(a)    Minto II         (Ans)
(b)    Hardinge II
(c)    Chelmsford
(d)    Rippon

67.   Who is known as Anthra Kesari ?
(a)    T. Prakasham         (Ans)
(b)    Sreeramalu
(c)    Surya Sen
(d)    None of these

68.    Who was known as ‘Masterda’?
(a)    Aurobindo Ghosh
(b)    Bhagat Singh
(c)    Uddam Singh
(d)    Surya Sen         (Ans)

69.    The woman who faced trial along with Surya Sen?
(a)    Kalpana Joshi         (Ans)
(b)    Pritilatha Wadedar
(c)    Beena Das
(d)    Santhi Ghosh

70.   Who killed Bengal Governor in a convocation ceremony ?
(a)    Santhi Ghosh
(b)    Kalpana Joshi
(c)    Pritilatha Wadedar
(d)    Beena Das         (Ans)

71.    Which of the following national leader born in cuttack ?
(a)    Netaji         (Ans)
(b)    Aurobindo Ghosh
(c)    Madanlal Dhingra
(d)    Bhagat Singh

72.    Cripp’s Mission visited India during the period of :
(a)    Wavell
(b)    Linlithgo         (Ans)
(c)    Wellington
(d)    Mountbatten

73.   The Central Legislative Assembly was created by :
(a)    Regulating Act
(b)    Govt of India Act, 1919         (Ans)
(c)    Govt of India Act, 1935
(d)    Indian Independence Act

74.   The Viceroy during the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly held on 9th December, 1946 ?
(a)    Mountbatten
(b)    Linlithgo
(c)    Wavell         (Ans)
(d)    Irwin

75.    Aurobindo Ghosh was trialed in connection with ———conspiracy case :
(a)    Lahore
(b)    Kakori
(c)    Alipore         (Ans)
(d)    Delhi

76.   Who was called ‘the mother of Indian Revolution ‘?
(a)    Annie Besant
(b)    Beena Das
(c)    Madam Bhikaji Kama         (Ans)
(d)    Sarojini Naidu

77.   The Round Table Conferences were conducted as per the recommendations of
(a)    Lyall Commission
(b)    Hunter Commission
(c)    Simon Commission         (Ans)
(d)    Crip’s Mission

78.   What was called ‘post dated cheque’ by Gandhiji?
(a)    Cabinet Mission
(b)    Crip’s Mission         (Ans)
(c)    Govt. of India Act, 1935
(d)    Quit India movement

79.   The founder of East India Association in 1866?
(a)    W. C. Bannerjee
(b)    Dadabhai Navroji         (Ans)
(c)    M. K. Gandhi
(d)    Mahadev Govind Ranade

80.    Who founded the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha in 1870?
(a)    Mahadev Govind Ranade         (Ans)
(b)    Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c)    Jyotiba Phule
(d)    W. C. Bannerjee

81.   The founder of Satyashodhak Samaj in 1873:
(a)    B. R. Ambedkar
(b)    G.G. Agarkar
(c)    Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d)    Jyotiba phule         (Ans)

82.   The exclusive woman force of Indian National Army was named after :
(a)    Captain Lakshmi
(b)    Sarojini Naidu
(c)    Jhansi Rani         (Ans)
(d)    Annie Besant

83.   The founder of Indian League in 1875 :
(a)    W. C. Bannerjee
(b)    Shishirkumar Ghosh         (Ans)
(c)    Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d)    G. G. Agarkar

84.   The organisation founded by G.G.Agarkar, B.G. Thilak and V.G. Chiplunkar in 1885?
(a)    Indian League
(b)    Satyashodhak Samaj
(c)    Deccan Education Society          (Ans)
(d)    Bombay

85.   The first countrywide agitation launched by Gandhiji in India :
(a)    Champaran Satyagraha
(b)    Kheda Satyagraha
(c)    Non Cooperation movement         (Ans)
(d)    Civil Disobedience Movement

86.   In 1885 Dadabhai Naoroji was elected on e of the vice presidents of :
(a)    Indian Association
(b)    Bombay Presidency Association          (Ans)
(c)    Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
(d)    Indian National Congress

87.   The post of the Secretary of State for India was created in :
(a)    1857
(b)    1858         (Ans)
(c)    1861
(d)    1877

88.   Who presided over the 1901 session of INC in which Gandhiji attended for the first time ?
(a)    D. E. Wacha          (Ans)
(b)    Feroz Shah Mehta
(c)    Dadabhai Navroji
(d)    Gopala Krishna Gokhale

89.   Who laid the foundation of the Indian Patriotic Association in 1888?
(a)    Aga Khan
(b)    Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(c)    Nawab Abdul Latif
(d)    Syed Ahmed Khan         (Ans)

90.   Who founded Social Service League in 1911?
(a)    B. R. Ambedkar
(b)    G.G. Agarkar
(c)    N. M. Joshi         (Ans)
(d)    Mahadevb Govind Ranade

91.   Who threw a bomb on Central Legislative Assembly in 1929 to protest against the public safety bill which would have curtailed civil liberties ?
(a)    Bhagat Singh         (Ans)
(b)    Prafulla Chaki
(c)    Chandrasekhar Azad
(d)    Uddham Singh

92.   Who was the Viceroy during the Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre ?
(a)    Wellington
(b)    Hardinge II
(c)    Reading
(d)    Chelmsford         (Ans)

93.   In association with which conspiracy case 31 prominent trade union and communist leaders were arrested ?
(a)    Meerut Conspiracy case         (Ans)
(b)    Lahore conspiracy case
(c)    Alipore conspiracy case
(d)    Kakori conspiracy case

94.   Burma separated from India in ?
(a)    1936
(b)    1937         (Ans)
(c)    1939
(d)    1950

95.    Who founded Indian Liberal Federation in 1918?
(a)    Surendranath Bannerjee         (Ans)
(b)    Hedgewar
(c)    K M Munshi
(d)    B. R. Ambedkar

96.   The Viceroy who announced the date of transfer of power to Indian hands :
(a)    Linlithgo
(b)    Wellington
(c)    Wavell
(d)    Mountbatten         (Ans)

97.   The year of temple entry proclation:
(a)    1898
(b)    1921
(c)    1936         (Ans)
(d)    1942

98.    Yachana yathra associated with ?
(a)    V. T. Bhattathirippad         (Ans)
(b)    Thilak
(c)    Ambedkar
(d)    AKG

99.   The founder of Van mahotsav
(a)    Aurobindo Ghosh
(b)    Pheroz Shah Mehta
(c)    Vir Savarkar
(d)    K. M. Munshi         (Ans)

100. The founder of All India Scheduled Caste Federation :
(a)    M. K. Gandhi
(b)    Jyotiba Phule
(c)    B. R. Ambedkar         (Ans)
(d)    G.G. Agarkar

101.  The Indian Penal Code was passed in :
(a)    1860          (Ans)
(b)    1865
(c)    1875
(d)    1885

102.  When did Gandhiji get his head shaved, discard his clothes and settle for a loin cloth ?
(a)    1925
(b)    1930
(c)    1931
(d)    1921         (Ans)

103.  A spinal injury while horseback riding left this person in lifelong pain for which he wore a metal corset under his clothes. He served as the Viceroy of India. Name this person.

(a)    Chelmsford
(b)    Dufferin
(c)    Mayo
(d)    Curzon         (Ans)

104.  Which of the following year Delhi Durbar was conducted :
(a)    1911         (Ans)
(b)    1912
(c)    1913
(d)    1914

105.  Which tool did Gandhiji promote to achieve economic, and ultimately complete independence from the British Empire ?
(a)    Spinning Wheel          (Ans)
(b)    Sewing Machine
(c)    Plough
(d)    Weaving Stool

106. In 1924 Gandhiji became the president of Indian National Congress. The session was held at :
(a)    Wardha
(b)    New Delhi
(c)    Belgaum         (Ans)
(d)    Lucknow

107. The Viceroy who undertook the restoration of the Taj Mahal :
(a)    Curzon         (Ans)
(b)    Chelmsford
(c)    Irwin
(d)    Wellington

108.  Who had prepared the rules and regulations of the Congress Party before Gandhiji joined the party?
(a)    Gokhale         (Ans)
(b)    BG Tilak
(c)    Dadabhai Navroji
(d)    Pheroz Shah Mehta

109.  In which year Ghadar party was formed in Sanfrancisco?
(a)    1916
(b)    1914
(c)    1915
(d)    1913         (Ans)

110.  The Indian revolutionary who participated in Mainpuri Conspiracy of 1918, and the Kakori conspiracy of 1925, and was awarded death sentence along with Ashfaqulla Khan
(a)    Prafulla Chaki
(b)    Ram Prasad Bismil         (Ans)
(c)    Bhagat Singh
(d)    Surya Sen

111. Postal System was introduce by :
(a)    Canning
(b)    Dufferin
(c)    Dalhousie         (Ans)
(d)    Wellesley

112. Who gave Saigaon village as a gift to Gandhiji?
(a)    Kalelkar
(b)    Jamnalal Bajaj         (Ans)
(c)    Mahadev Desai
(d)    None of these

113.  The Indian Police Act was passed in :
(a)    1861         (Ans)
(b)    1865
(c)    1878
(d)    1908

114.  Who was the Viceroy when the Ancient Monument Protection Act was passed ?
(a)    Curzon          (Ans)
(b)    Mayo
(c)    Minto II
(d)    Hardinge II

115.  Who amongst the following was chosen as the Dewan of three princely states-Mysore, Jaipur and Hyderabad ?
(a)    M. Visweswaraih
(b)    C.P. Ramaswami Iyer
(c)    V. P. Madhava Rao
(d)    Mirza Ismail         (Ans)

116. The Viceroy during the Mopla revolt of 1921:
(a)    Wellington
(b)    Hardinge II
(c)    Reading          (Ans)
(d)    Minto

117.  First Justice Party Government was formed in :
(a)    1923
(b)    1921
(c)    1922
(d)    1920         (Ans)

118. Name the person who resigned his position as Viceroy of India in August 1905 because of a difference of opinion with Lord Kitchener, the British military Commander-in-Chief in India :
(a)    Minto I
(b)    Chelmsford
(c)    Curzon            (Ans)
(d)    Dufferin

119.  What was the age of Gandhiji when he reached South Africa for the first time ?
(a)    33
(b)    27
(c)    29
(d)    24         (Ans)

120.  At the time of independence the most populous princely state was :
(a)    Kashmir
(b)    Bikanir
(c)    Mysore
(d)    Hyderabad         (Ans)

121.  Whom Gandhiji called ‘the prince of patriots’?
(a)    Tagore
(b)    C. Rajagopalachari
(c)    Subhas Chandra Bose        (Ans)
(d)    Jawaharlal Nehru

122. The largest princely state at the time of independence in terms of area :
(a)    Mysore
(b)    Hyderabad
(c)    Kashmir        (Ans)
(d)    Bhopal

123.  In which language, the autobiography of Gandhiji wa published for the first time ?
(a)    English
(b)    Hindi
(c)    Gujarati        (Ans)
(d)    Marathi
124.  Who founded Muslim League in 1906?
(a)    Aga Khan        (Ans)
(b)    Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(c)    Nawab Abdul Latif
(d)    Muhammad Ali Jinnah

125.  The leader who escaped from the ustody of the British and went to Germany secretly to met Hitler :
(a)    Chempakaraman Pillai
(b)    Rash Behari Bose
(c)    Subhas Chandra Bose        (Ans)
(d)    None of these

126. The Viceroy during the Second and Third Round Table Conference :
(a)    Reading
(b)    Irwin
(c)    Wellington        (Ans)
(d)    Linlithgo

127.  Who founded Dayanand Anglo Vedic School ?
(a)    Lala Hansraj        (Ans)
(b)    Bhagat Singh
(c)    Vivekananda
(d)    Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar

128.  Sreemoolam praja sabha started in :
(a)    1848
(b)    1956
(c)    1921
(d)    1904        (Ans)

129. The first Indian to preach the gospel of Swadeshi and India for Indians :
(a)    W.C. Banerjee
(b)    Dadabhai Naoroji
(c)    Raja Ram Mohun Roy
(d)    Swami Dayanand Saraswathi         (Ans)

130. The Viceroy who appointed Police Commission under Sir Andrew Frazer to enquire into the police
(a)    Minto II
(b)    Ripon
(c)    Duffering
(d)    Curzon         (Ans)

131. The mutiny of 1857 failed because :
(a)    The British have powerful arms
(b)    The British outnumbered the Indians
(c)    Of the lack of proper planning and leadership        (Ans)
(d)    It was premature

132.   Who was known as ‘Bihar Gandhi’?
(a)    Jayaprakash Narayan
(b)    Morarji Desai
(c)    Rejendraprasad        (Ans)
(d)    Lal Bahadur Shastri

133.  The founder of ‘Mahila Rashtriya Sangh ‘:
(a)    Lathika Ghosh        (Ans)
(b)    Sarala Devi
(c)    Preethi Vadekar
(d)    Kasthurba Gandhi

134.  Hindustan Republican Association was formed in 1924 at :
(a)    Kolkata
(b)    Kanpur        (Ans)
(c)    Mumbai
(d)    Lahore

135.  The incident responsible for Kakori Conspiracy Case was occured in :
(a)    1925        (Ans)
(b)    1927
(c)    1928
(d)    1929

136  The Drama Valmiki Prathibha associated with
(a)    Ranade
(b)    Eswar Chandra Vidyadsagar
(c)    Tagore         (Ans)
(d)    Athmaram Pandurang

137.  In which language Gandhiji started the weekly ‘Young India ‘?
(a)    English        (Ans)
(b)    Marathi
(c)    Hindi
(d)    Gujarati

138.    Which of the following events occurred first ?
(a)    Chinese Revolution
(b)    Quit India Movement
(c)    Division of Bengal         (Ans)
(d)    Formation of Constituent Assembly

139.    Who compared the Dandi March to Napoleon’s march to Paris from Elba ?
(a)    Dadabhai Naoroji
(b)    Lala Lajpath Rai
(c)    Subhas Chandra Bose        (Ans)
(d)    Bal Gangadhar Tilak

140. Name the Viceroy who was called the “Aurangazeb of British India “?
(a)    Wellesley
(b)    Wavell
(c)    Curzon        (Ans)
(d)    Irwin

141.  In which Jail Gandhiji started the writing of his autogiography?
(a)    Ambala
(b)    Thihar
(c)    Pune
(d)    Yervada           (Ans)

142.  The author of ‘1857 The Great Rebellion’:
(a)    Vir Savarkar
(b)    Ashok Mehta            (Ans)
(c)    Jawaharlal Nehru
(d)    Sarojini Naidu

143.  Which of the following was known as ‘Indian Gladstone’?
(a)    Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(b)    Dadabhai Naoroji           (Ans)
(c)    Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d)    Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad

144.  In which year All India village industries association was brought into existence under the patronage of Gandhiji?
(a)    1934           (Ans)
(b)    1935
(c)    1936
(d)    1937

145.  ‘Prabudha Bharat’ was a paper published in English by:
(a)    Louis Vivian Derozio
(b)    G.H. Deshmukh
(c)    Swami Vivekanand           (Ans)
(d)    Swami Dayanand

146. The Radical Demoratic Party was formed in 1940 by :
(a)    N.D. Majumdar
(b)    S.C. Bose
(c)    B. R. Ambedkar
(d)    M. N. Roy           (Ans)

147.  Which organization is led by ‘Ten Principles’?
(a)    Buddhism
(b)    Jainism
(c)    Christianity
(d)    Arya Samaj           (Ans)

148. The first war of Independence in India lasted for almost :
(a)    Two weeks
(b)    Two years           (Ans)
(c)    Two days
(d)    One year

149.  The place where the first war of independence was led by Kunwar Singh :
(a)    Bareilly
(b)    Faizabad
(c)    Jagdishpur           (Ans)
(d)    Kanpur

150.  Brave heroine of Nagaland during the civil disobedience movement :
(a)    Begum Hazratmahal
(b)    Rani Gaidulu           (Ans)
(c)    Rani Lakshmi Bhai
(d)    Rani Parvathi Bhai

151. What was the honour given to Gandhiji by the British in recognition to his contribution during the Boer war?
(a)    Victoria Cross
(b)    Star of Africa
(c)    Kaizar-i-Hind           (Ans)
(d)    Knighthood

152.  Who was the president of Indian National Congress during Bengal partition?
(a)    Motilal Nehru
(b)    Dadabhai Naoroji
(c)    Pheroz Shah Mehta
(d)    Gopal Krishna Gokhale           (Ans)

153.   The first Indian to be elected to the leadership of Communist International was :
(a)    M.N. Roy           (Ans)
(b)    P.C. Joshi
(c)    Sohan Singh Josh
(d)    S. A. Dange

154.   Who was the Viceroy when INC launched Quit India Movement
(a)    Wavell
(b)    Wellington
(c)    Linlithgo           (Ans)
(d)    Irwin

155.    The ‘Voice of India’ published extracts from Indian Press. It was started by:
(a)    S. N. Bannerjee
(b)    Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c)    Dadabhai Naoroji           (Ans)
(d)    P. Ananda Charlu

156.  In which year Numismatic Society of India was established at Allahabad ?
(a)    1908
(b)    1910           (Ans)
(c)    1912
(d)    1914

157.  Madras Mahajana Sabha was established in :
(a)    1884           (Ans)
(b)    1887
(c)    1894
(d)    1904

158. Gandhiji went to South Africa to appear in the court for the case of :
(a)    Abdulla Sait            (Ans)
(b)    Polak
(c)    Mansukhlal Nasar
(d)    Gokhale

159. The symbol of 1857 revolt :
(a)    Rose and Bread
(b)    Lotus and cow
(c)    Rose and Lamp
(d)    Lotus and Bread            (Ans)

160.  The Viceroy when Ramsay McDonald announced Communal Award :
(a)    Wellington           (Ans)
(b)    Irwin
(c)    Reading
(d)    Linlithgo

161.  The first conference of All India States People’s Conference was in :
(a)    1927            (Ans)
(b)    1928
(c)    1929
(d)    1930

162. The session of INC which approved the non-cooperation movement of Gandhiji was held at :
(a)    Nagpur
(b)    Kolkata            (Ans)
(c)    Lucknow
(d)    Belgaum

163. The party founded by T.M. Nair and Theagaroya Chetty in 1917?
(a)    Forward Bloc
(b)    Swatantra Party
(c)    Swaraj Party
(d)    Justice Party           (Ans)

164.   Which is the last one in the chronological order ?
(a)    Cabinet Mission Plan
(b)    Bombay Plan
(c)    Wavell Plan
(d)    Mountbatten Plan           (Ans)

165.    What was the age of Gandhiji when he conducted the historic Dandi march ?
(a)    61           (Ans)
(b)    71
(c)    75
(d)    56

166.    What was the purpose behind the establishment of Natal Indian Congress by Gandhiji?
(a)    to promote vegetarian food
(b)    To get permanent employment to the Indians
(c)    For the increase of pay
(d)    To fight against racial discrimination            (Ans)

167.  Adyar was the famous centre and headquarters of the :
(a)    Aurobindo Ashram
(b)    Madras Mahajan Sabha
(c)    Ramakrishna Mission
(d)    Theosophical Society           (Ans)

168.  The Indian Industrial Commission of 1915 was headed by :
(a)    Sir Thomas Holland           (Ans)
(b)    John Simon
(c)    Stafford Crips
(d)    A.V. Alexander

169.  In which year Gandhiji established Sevagram Ashram at Wardha ?
(a)    1934
(b)    1935
(c)    1936           (Ans)
(d)    1937

170.  Who was the Viceroy when Montague-Chelmsford reforms were introduced ?
(a)    Montague
(b)    Minto
(c)    Chelmsford           (Ans)
(d)    Reading

171. The Nation and its Fragments ‘ is authored by
(a)    Anil Seal
(b)    Partha Chatterjee           (Ans)
(c)    R. Chandravarkar
(d)    G. Alloysius

172. Who wrote Satyarthaprakash ?
(a)    Vivekananda
(b)    Ram Mohun Roy
(c)    Dwarakanath Tagore
(d)    Dayanand Saraswathy            (Ans)

173.  The journal published by Gandhiji in South Africa :
(a)    Harijan
(b)    Young India
(c)    Indian Opinion            (Ans)
(d)    Navjeevan

174.  In which year Gandhiji started ‘Indian Opinion’?
(a)    1901
(b)    1902
(c)    1903
(d)    1904           (Ans)

175. Who was the first president of Harijan Sevak Sangh founded by Mahathma Gandhi
(a)    G. D. Birla           (Ans)
(b)    Mahadev Desai
(c)    Amritlal Takkar
(d)    B.R. Ambedkar

176. Who among the following participated in the Chittagong armoury raid , along with Surya Sen and other revolutionaries on April 18, 1930 ?
(a)    Jatin Das
(b)    Bhagat Singh
(c)    Ganesh Ghosh           (Ans)
(d)    Aurobindo Ghosh

177.  The code of Civil Procedure was enacted in :
(a)    1908           (Ans)
(b)    1861
(c)    1868
(d)    1881

178.   Who was the Viceroy when Edward VII was declared as the emperor of India?
(a)    Curzon           (Ans)
(b)    Rippon
(c)    Hardinge II
(d)    Minto II

179.  Ashfaqulla Khan was sentenced to death in connection with :
(a)    Lahore case
(b)    Kakori Case            (Ans)
(c)    Chittagong Case
(d)    Alipur Case

180. The number of volunteers who followed Mahathma Gandhi in Dandi march:
(a)    78           (Ans)
(b)    88
(c)    98
(d)    68

181.  Who among the following is related to Tirunelveli Conspiracy case :
(a)    Vanchi Iyer            (Ans)
(b)    T. K. Madhavan
(c)    E. V. Ramaswami Naiker
(d)    G. S. Iyer

182.  M.A.O. College later became :
(a)    Benarus Hindu University
(b)    Aligarh Muslim University            (Ans)
(c)    Delhi University
(d)    Magadh University

183.  Who formulated Sevagram project ?
(a)     Vinoba Bhave
(b)    Mahathma Gandhi           (Ans)
(c)    Mahadev Desai
(d)    Tagore

184.  Who was the Viceroy when the Cabinet Mission visited India ?
(a)    Mountbatten
(b)    Wavell           (Ans)
(c)    Wellington
(d)    Linlithgo

185. The resolution passed by Indian National Congress in —–at its Madras Session lay down that the declaration of Fundamental Rights should be the basis of future Constitution of India .
(a)    1927           (Ans)
(b)    1928
(c)    1929
(d)    1930

186.  In which year Gandhiji established Satyagraha ashram at Kochrab near Ahmedabad ?
(a)    1914
(b)    1915           (Ans)
(c)    1916
(d)    1917

187. Which commission recommended for the adoption of a famine code for india ?
(a)    Campbell Commission 1868
(b)    Macdoneel Commission 1898
(c)    Strachey Commission 1880           (Ans)
(d)    Lyall Commission 1901

188. Who wrote the book ‘Gandhi and Anarchy ‘?
(a)    C. Sankaran Nair            (Ans)
(b)    V. D. Savarkar
(c)    B. R. Ambedkar
(d)    Syamaprasad Mukherjee

189.  Which is considered by academics abroad to be the Indian equivalent of Harvard?
(a)    Presidency College Kolkata            (Ans)
(b)    Christian College, Chennai
(c)    Ferguson College
(d)    Madras Presidency College

190. Who was the Viceroy when INC passed resolution demanding complete independence ?
(a)    Irwin            (Ans)
(b)    Reading
(c)    Linlithgo
(d)    Wellington